Friday, April 13, 2012

Counting Down to Closing!!

Holy cow I am on time this week!! :).  Mainly because I am being completely lazy at work today and I would much rather sit here and type this than do actual work...just dont tell my boss lol.

So as the post states we are t-minus 6 days to closing!! This will be my last post before we are homeowners and I could not be more excited.  As my brother stated this past weekend, I am dying to "nest" and have things set up and done.  Its honestly driving me crazy not being able to buy anything, set things up, get them how I want ect.  I have gift cards from Birthdays and Christmas just hanging out burning a hole to be spent! I am excited to BBQ's on the decks, hanging out with friends and even things that some people consider chores such as painting and planting flowers outside!

Ok so onward ho and back to my normal posting sections :)

Home Front:

Well this will be short and sweet.  We are closing in 6 days *fingers crossed*.  As of right now everything is ready to go, I am still waiting on the thumbs up from my processor and its driving me CRAZY! On top of that my processor will be out of town as of today and until next Friday so I am stuck with someone else...thsi will be the 3rd person now as she was out before for a funeral and I had to work with her boss (not bad but annoying still).  Only hiccup so far is apparently Wells is strict about septic repairs.  We had a few cracks come up on the inpsection and they were almost immediately fixed by the seller by the same guy who did the inspection, mind you this was weeks ago.  Well Wells is being a hassle and wanting a letter from the septic guy, the first email from my process (while she was still around) was, "here is an example of what the letter needs to state word for word, on the company's letterhead and signed and dated by the person who did the repairs." Ok no big deal, my realtor sent that right over to her.  Well then she decided to add it also needs to state the cracks were fixed, this was NOT included in the original email she sent.  So my realtor had to go back to the inspector/septic guy and get him to get us another letter.  Hopefully thats it for the hiccups and we can move on and get final approval that they are indeed going to fund this loan.  It would be a HUGE weight off my back just to get that information!

Wedding Front:

Nothing new to report here.  We are contemplating a visit down to Beaufort to visit a place I am in love with and hopefully put down a deposit but besides that my focus has been packing packing and umm more packing for the afformentioned move coming up!

Baby Front:

Whoa nelly, someone needs to tell this kid that his ninja skills are already well in place and there is absolutely no need to kick me as hard as he has been.  This week, besides his crazy movements & kicks has been pretty relaxed.  I am starting to get more and more uncomfortable with sleeping and getting in and out of bed (KB needs to realize this! lol) but overall I still cannot complain. 

Dear Little Man,
Wow! You are already 26 weeks!  My how the time is flying by.  Its amazing how much you grow each week and even more so to think you are a tiny person in there now and if born you would look human, even with a little fat on you now!  I cannot believe I am 6 days shy of the 3rd trimester and just 14 short weeks away from meeting you (if you come as expected on July 20th).  This week you have been a crazy man in there, not much growth (that I can notice from the outside at least) but you sure have been working hard on moving around often and kicking hard!  You actually freaked out your daddy last night when you kicked really hard and then moved around. He then decided it was too weird for him and didn't want to feel anymore (for a few minutes at least, mommy talked him into putting his hand back once you calmed down and the kicks were a bit softer!).  I absolutely love the new movements and am glad you have not gotten to kicking my ribs yet, but sometimes you are just wild in there!  I think it was because you quite enjoyed your sub from JJ's last night (ssshh we arent "supposed" to have cold deli meat, but I figure we deserve a little treat every now and then. 
On another note we had a Dr's appt Monday afternoon and you were a trip.  The Dr had to move the doppler around quite a bit to get your heartbeat which as usual was high (you just keep proving those Old Wives wrong!) and asked me about your movement in which I replied, he's a crazy man in there most days!" Because really you are!  On top of that we got our first fundal height measurement and as with everything else this pregnancy you are measuring right on track!  I am glad though because mommy does not want a big baby.  You are more than welcome to grow big and tall like daddy but just stay small inside of mommy for now, she isn't a big women :). I am already excited to see you & know you will be just as handsome as your daddy, although he doesn't believe me, but we'll just say its mother intuition and leave it at that!

Love Always,

Survey Says:

How Far Along : 26 weeks

Produce Size Comparison : Lettuce Head

Symptoms : hearburn (though it has gone down, thank god!), RLP, uncomfy Braxton Hicks, back pain at work (and only at work...stupid desk job, lol)

Cravings/Aversions :  Strawberries! I already love when they come in season but I may or may not have had 2lbs already this week.  No aversions, still trying to stay away from anything that will bring the heartburn back in full force.

Weight Gain/Loss : as per the drs office weight Monday I am up 16lbs total (my goal is to stay around 25...we'll see!)

Next Appt :  May 7th, and the dreaded Glucose Test aahhhhh!

Sex : Boy oh Boy

Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : nope! / I have a faint line now going from my belly button down :( boooo lol

Maternity Clothes : bought a pair of shorts with my ON bucks and also bought a new bikini to fit my new larger sized girls up top!

Baby Related Purchases? : still holding strong...only 6 more dayss eeek!

Movement? : TONS!! especially at work during the day at when I lay down in the evening.  I feel like he either moved out of breech position into transverse or is just constantly moving as the harder kicks are more directed at my side than down near my bladder, although I still get a few down there.

Bellybutton? : stil an innie, no real change and the ring is still in & comfy!

Whats Baby Doing this Week : The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. His testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.

Well thats all for this week, thanks for reading :)


Monday, April 9, 2012

25 Weeks & Officially Addicted to Pinterest!

Hello world, so again I am late...but hey, I have a Holiday weekend this time to blame! 

Ok so this past week was nothing special, no major changes, improvements really nothing that exciting to be completely honest. But we'll start with the normal.

Home Front:

Mostly just packing, packing, organizing, throwing things away and well more packing!  Our apartment is turning into a maze of boxes as I slowly but surely get everything organized and packed into boxes based on room, items, ect.  I am working on this early as I really am not a last minute type of person + the fact that after a couple hours of cleaning/packing I am pooped! One thing I miss about pre energy! I used to spend the entire DAY cleaning, now after a couple hours I am done and on the couch.  No updates regarding the loan (hoping to get some news from Lou (our realtor) later this week as she emailed this weekend saying she was going to get updates from my Lender/Employer lol and the closing attorney this week to make sure we are set for closing next Thursday! Cannot believe how soon its coming up, super excited!

~DIY section

I guess I can put this in here since it really does pertain to the home front but as my title states I have officially become an addict of Pinterest.  I know most of you who read this are on there and most follow me but if not I warn you if you make an account, its highly addictive! Especially if you like to try new things, need home ideas, want to cook something actually edible (hehe) or just like seeing things you'll probably never be able to have (like those AMAZING closets they show in there...uggh oh and the bodies of models that peopel use for workout inspiration & dont forget those clothes you'll NEVER be able to afford unless you rob Donald So I have found some wonderful ideas for the home, sadly I am doing this post at work and I cannot get on to show some pics, but follow me on there and you'll see all the fun to come once we move! I am hoping to start on a few once we move in, but most will probably be put aside until later on *sniff sniff*. 

Wedding Front:

Nothing too much new here either, just trying to get the whole we need a venue thing worked out.  We will hopefully be making a trip to my favorite place in Beaufort sometime soon so we can work out details and figure out if thats where we definately want to get married.  I do think its "the one", but I think we need a 2nd look with Kyle, my dad & MOH before we can finalize and put down the deposit.

Baby Front:

Now to everyones favorite section, I know because you told me :).  Ok so really nothing new this week, I really don't feel any bigger from last week, movement is still crazy when I am at work during the day and before I go to bed at night, of course still nothing when everyone is around and wants to feel lol.  He's a stubborn little one already, but seems like he'll be a good sleeper even around commotion (which with my family is a blessing!)

Dear Little Man,
So this week you are officially 25 week and an Eggplant!  I was surprised when I did my normal weekly google for images and saw an outside baby your age, it was amazing to see how much you already look like a little person inside of there, quite freaky actually (but in a good way).  It's apparent this week things are getting tight in there for you as now anytime you move I feel/see your little self moving from up to down or left to right or vice versa. Its quite entertaining so feel free to move about, just not all the time.  You have gotten better about daddy getting to see your movements and he's quite intrigued to feel your hard kicks when I lay down at night.  Now if you could ONLY do that when everyone else is around touching my belly wanting to feel you.  I have to admit (and they may kill me for this, but well its just my nature, you'll learn that once you get older & may inherent mommy's crazy sense of hilarity) that I find it hilarious that you move all the time when no one's around (that wants to feel you anyways) but the second we are out and about or around family and friends you hardly move at all!  To be honest I am not sure if it was all the commotion yesterday or all the people poking you but you just werent having it & well mommy thought it was pretty funny! 
Not too much else for you this week, just keep on growing in there and we'll see you in a few short months!

Love always,

Most recent pic I have ( I have gone back to Wed only photo's as 2x a week was getting tedious! :).. )

Survey Says:

How Far Along : 25 weeks, 3 days

Produce Size Comparison : Eggplant!

Symptoms : heartburn as always, BH & back pain (only at work) + inner thigh pain

Cravings/Aversions : still on milkshakes & now fruit (craving strawberry everything this week!) / no aversions, still avoiding spicy food at all cost due to increased hearburn

Weight Gain/Loss : +2lbs this past week so around 12lbs total (since 9 week appt weigh in)

Next Appt : Today! (hopefully not doing the glucose test, b/c that would be mean if they did it without telling me, especially the day after easter....yea I had a lot of candy lol)

Sex : Boy oh Boy!

Stretch Marks : nope!

Maternity Clothes : nothing new, but eyeing a cute dress at ON for my shower & a few other items I plan on getting with my ON cash this week!

Baby Related Purchases? : nope! I refuse until we move (still holding strong!)

Movement? : still lots during the day while I am sitting at work, still some at night, mostly when I lay down on the couch after dinner & before bed

Bellybutton? : seems the same as last week.  piercing still the same.  on the whole belly front I now have the wonderful pregnancy line apparently 3/4 of women get called a linea nigra...yay me :(

Whats Baby Doing this Week : Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. He's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.
Well thats all for this week, thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Getting Lazy..Must Mean 3rd Tri is Coming :)

Hey everyone! I know I know I am so a whole 4 days behind, but give me a break eh :).  So things have been incredibly busy lately getting ready for the move, trying to find a wedding venue, ugh still havent sent out 2 of my "will you be my bridesmaid" gifts and on top of all that I have a growing human life (24 weeks as of last Friday!) inside of me that insists on sucking the life out of me half the time...not that I am complaining!

The Wedding:
So I have sort of kicked my butt into gear lately with the wedding venue stuff as I know you should have a venue set and a deposit down about a year before (if you have that much time that is) the actual date.  We are planning on a June 1st, 2013 wedding date so I am a couple months shy of that and knowing how bad my laziness is now I know I have to get this done or its not going to happen before Litte Man gets here.  Luckily there was 1 place on the tour my mom and I took a couple months ago that I fell in love with and after getting some more detailed information from them last night and talking to KB about it I think we are decided.  I hate picking out a place without him seeing it but he seemed ok with the idea after seeing pics and myself describing it.  I would love to take him down there but right now with everything else going on, and I am talking a lot here people (moving, packing, unpacking, babys room, new furniture, friends wedding, baby shower, visiting new babies, birthing classes), we just dont have the time to drive down there to see it and back before I am too big to want to walk around!  So once we get the A-Ok from the parentals I think its going to be a go! (also for any of you that are going to be coming to the wedding I will be setting up a "wedsite" once we get the details all sorted out that will give you all the information you need, the site will be on our save the dates that should go out this fall :)..)  For now I am going to post a few inspiration photo's for what I am thinking for the wedding! Hope you enjoy...

The House:
Ok so on to the home front!  Everything so far is going pretty smoothly! I had a few bumps with the loan processor and sort of had to jump her butt into gear lol b/c I want to know that my loan is going to be funded and good to go BEFORE we get to the closing table.  I have enough on my plate right now to have to stress about that as well.  I know we are good to go everywhere else as the insurance is good, the down payment is available, the earnest money has been paid, ect ect ect.  I am so ready to get into this place and start decorating and getting little mans room set up (I think it will be more real not only to me but to KB as well once this happens!).  I am excited to be able to put my touch on things (although most of that will come later as baby and wedding will be my priority for the next year +) and be able to do things I haven't been able to with renting, including planting a few flowers!

The Baby! :

Alright now onto the reason you all probably read this whole blog I put together...haha Little Man!  So nothing new really between this week and last week.  I feel like I am past the growth spurt phase and now am just slowly growing every now and then.  I dont feel really that my belly is any bigger this week than last but I will of course post my pic just to let you all be the judge!  The picture is a little old, I took it last week but I will make sure to post/update with a new picture on Friday (back on my regularly scheduled schedule hehe). First though I am going to start out with my newest segment....

Dear Little Man,
I just want to start out by saying that your daddy is absolutely loving all of your visable outside movements and asks me on a daily basis when you start moving so he can feel! Now lately you have been going crazy all day while I am at work then by the time I get home you are fast asleep so he can't feel.  You have got to stop that, mommy has to work during the day and all that movement is quite distracting (although I love every minute of it)!  Just make sure you leave a few kicks and jabs for later in the afternoon/evening when you daddy can feel it too!  I also wanted to tell you that whatever you are doing in there when mommy is sleeping is NOT helping her heartburn! Twice now you have woken me up with acid in my throat and mouth (gross I know) and its painful and it makes everything taste very blah for the entire next day.  I know I should probably lay off some of the spicy foods (like last nights chili) but they are quite yummy and I know you enjoy them too as you were kicking up a storm afterwards!  If you want to continue eating those kinds of foods you are going to have to stop with the heartburn :). 
I know you don't understand any of this yet either but this past Friday you turned 24 weeks! I was so excited to hit that milestone as that gives you a fighting chance should the unthinkable happen and you have to stop baking in me early.  It really took a load off my chest knowing that you could possibly survive and I wouldn't have to lose you in a very bad situation, so thank you for that! Now just keep on cooking for at least another 14 weeks and I will be happy to see you then!

Love always,

This is a couple days shy of 24 weeks, but close enough :)

Survey Says:

How Far Along : 24 weeks, 4 days

Produce Size Comparison : He's a Grapefruit! yumm

Symptoms : heartburn still, RLP (round ligament pain), pain on the insides of my thighs

Cravings/Aversions : back to milkshakes & now fruit (I have some yummy nectarines this week I am chowing down on) / at this moment : spicy foods as the heartburn that woke me up last night is making me not want to eat ANYTHING spicy

Weight Gain/Loss : I am actually -1lb this week so back to +10 total

Next Appt : April 9th

Sex : Still All Boy!

Stretch Marks : holding strong at 0 :)

Maternity Clothes : my wonderful future mother in law sent me some shorts and shirts from ON yesterday! I was so excited to get something in the mail :)  I could not be any more thankful to have not only my wonderful mother in my life, but also my future mother as well <3 you!

Baby Related Purchases? : nope! I refuse until we move (I know I said that before but I am holding strong now)

Movement? : still lots during the day while I am sitting at work, he is getting into moving more at night while I am sleeping as well but not enough to wake me up (luckily) I only notice it when I get up to pee and when I am going back to sleep I feel him wiggling around

Bellybutton? : still an innie although getting shallower, still rocking the piercing and its not bothering me one bit! Hoping it lasts and I dont have to order the preggo ones from online :) KB and I have a bet going as he thinks its going to be an outtie and I think its going to stay put! I guess we'll see..... hehe

Whats Baby Doing this Week : Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon. Grow baby grow!

Have a great week! See you back here Friday! (hopefully lol)
