Austin = 4 months!
Wow, I just realized today I missed Austins 4 month post so here it is!! I also have a few Christmas Craft projects I completed over the past few weeks that I will put in a different post. I will post pics and tutorials below for anyone who would like to re-create them so be on the lookout for it!
So first things first. Time is flying, we are already in December and my little guy turned 4 months old on the 21st of November! The day of his 4mo Birthday we also left to head up to Boone for our annual trip for our Christmas Tree, yes the same trip we took last year when Kyle proposed!! It is crazy to think it has been an entire year, but time flies when you are having fun right? :).
So we left on Wednesday and got up to Boone around 10pm (after stopping for dinner). As usual Austin did great with the ride up there and slept the entire way, only waking up to eat when we stopped. Once we got there, we got settled, I put him to bed and passed out myself, in my clothes at that. I was just so immensely tired after a long day at work then a 3.5hr drive.
Here is a picture from our 4mo old shoot!
We had his 4mo pediatrician visit the following week on the 25th which included 3 more vaccines, 2 injections and 1 oral. He did great, although he had no desire to lay down on the table and was not happy until I could pick him up. Luckily he only cried for about 10 seconds before he was good and ready to go! His stats were as follows....
Weight: 14lbs 3oz
Height: 24 1/4 inches
Both of those were the same as his 2mo appointment in that he is still in the 25th percentile but his head went from the 25th percentile up to the 40th percentile so my little guy has a big ole noggin. Just means his brain is extra big and full of knowledge :) Besides that it was a simple appointment. We were given the green light to start Solid foods which we had already had our first taste of Oatmeal. Excited to get him on one serving per day of that then moving on to vegetables soon after.
4 mo Survey!
Age: 4 months and 2 weeks
Height/Weight : 14lbs, 3oz and 24 & 1/4 inches
Dr Appts : he did great at his 4mo appt and does not have to go back until his one in January!
Changes : he is getting so much bigger, my little newborn baby that looks like every other newborn is long gone and my handsome big boy is here to stay! He is sitting up assisted and we are working on letting him stand (while we hold his hands of course) as he loves to push up and try! He is also now my little tummy guy as anytime he is on his back he almost immediately rolls over to his tummy! He also tries his hardest to push up, so we might have a crawler here soon (lord help us and the kitty!) He is also teething which means more drool than I can care to handle. The Dr felt his bottom gums and says we might have a nub popping through here soon!
Sleeping: since DST he goes to bed at 6:30pm and gets up around 6:30-7am! It is great as Kyle and I get our time together at night and he is up and ready to go when we need to leave for work. Not so fun on weekends when we want to sleep later though but he is totally worth it.
Accomplishments : grabs his feet, can sit unassisted for a few seconds, can stand with the help of hands, attempts to hold his own bottle and knows its where his food is, grabs and holds on to toys and can also put them in his mouth, rolls over both ways great.
Height/Weight : 14lbs, 3oz and 24 & 1/4 inches
Dr Appts : he did great at his 4mo appt and does not have to go back until his one in January!
Changes : he is getting so much bigger, my little newborn baby that looks like every other newborn is long gone and my handsome big boy is here to stay! He is sitting up assisted and we are working on letting him stand (while we hold his hands of course) as he loves to push up and try! He is also now my little tummy guy as anytime he is on his back he almost immediately rolls over to his tummy! He also tries his hardest to push up, so we might have a crawler here soon (lord help us and the kitty!) He is also teething which means more drool than I can care to handle. The Dr felt his bottom gums and says we might have a nub popping through here soon!
Sleeping: since DST he goes to bed at 6:30pm and gets up around 6:30-7am! It is great as Kyle and I get our time together at night and he is up and ready to go when we need to leave for work. Not so fun on weekends when we want to sleep later though but he is totally worth it.
Accomplishments : grabs his feet, can sit unassisted for a few seconds, can stand with the help of hands, attempts to hold his own bottle and knows its where his food is, grabs and holds on to toys and can also put them in his mouth, rolls over both ways great.
Eyes : blue and grey, I love his eyes they are so pretty! He is going to be a heart breaker lol
That is it for Austin! Be on the lookout for my next post with some homemade Dollar Store Christmas Crafts!
Austin = 3 Months!
I am working on moving a few things around and changing up my blog...I am new at all this so it may take some time (plus I have a 3 month old at home so really I have no time lol). If anyone can offer advice on how to move my previous posts to separate pages I would greatly appreciate it!! I am having a heck of a time understand all this HTML jibberish :)
OK so while I am working on that, I will go ahead and add my post for Austin!!
not the "best" pic but the funniest!
Life in General:
Life is finally getting to a new normal. I have been back to work for about a month and a half and things are going well, besides the whole productivity thing. Really how can they expect complete concentration when the only time you have to get anything done is at work? I find my mind seemlessly wondering about every 10-15 minutes, even more when our system is slow, and by the end of the day I am husseling to get my work done before I leave. I think over time and really once wedding planning is over with, I will regain some of my productivity but for now it is what it is!On top of the work fun, things at home are going pretty well. He is sleeping 10-12hrs every night and besides the whole switching formula's to figure out which kind works for him, he is a fairly good and happy baby! He loves his playmat and is really starting to grab at things hanging (especially his hippo!). He also lights up everytime I put him down and turn his kitty on. He could seriously lay there content for a good 30 min, which is awesome for my home productivity as I can use that time for cleaning, laundry, the occasional shower (haha just kidding I do shower people I promise) & other things around the house. The neighbors at this point probably assume I am nuts as I literally RUN around the house doing 5 million things anytime I can put him down and keep him content for any period of time!
I will say the past month has been and will continue to be crazy. Austin went on his first plane ride to Pittsburgh and got to meet his crazy family! He also picked up a few "Steelers" items while there hehe (daddy wasnt too happy about that) but overall he did great on the plane and going through Security was not nearly as bad as I had expected. In fact people were extra nice to me and I even got a fabulous piece of advise from a TSA agent that got me through the line much faster! On top of that we did the Pumpkin Farm, we have 2 ECU games coming up (Austin will not be joining he will be at Nana's), Wedding Dress shopping, Engagement Pictures, Boone, Christmas/Christmas Shopping aahhh soo much to do and so little time!
So Handsome : All Dressed up for the wedding!
Wedding Planning:
Speaking of wedding planning, things are going, I am getting ideas for our planner on to pinterest and we are off to go dress shopping on Thursday! I am excited in some ways but not so much in others, in other words I haven't lost nearly as much weight as I had planned by now, so I am not sure how much I am going to like myself in the dresses, but have concluded that I will imagine myself skinnier! In the way of weight loss and working out I am doing fairly well. I have changed my diet to not include fast food (although well its real life people and I occasionally cheat) and I have also put myself on a strict water diet. Every morning I have a bowl of yummy plain oatmeal with a sprinkling of natural dark brown sugar, for snacks I do fruit and a cliff bar and then for dinner we have been doing a lot of chicken and vegetables! I am lucky in that Kyle gets inspired to cook healthy and all natural working at Whole Foods, it helps keep me in check even if I fall off the wagon at work.
Craft Projects:
Seeing as its now October and almost Halloween I have started a couple craft projects, one being of course carving pumpkins! I will be sure to upload the pics when I am done but I have a great idea for the 3 we got yesterday at the pumpkin patch (see photo's below of our trip). My other project involves some chinet cut glass cups, spraypaint & black acrylic paint. I have so far gotten the cups spraypainted white and will soon be adding eyes and a mouth for my "ghost cups" to line our walkway for the trick or treaters! I got the idea from Chinets website and everything total only cost me under $6 to make 6. Three more would only cost me $1 more (for the led tea lights) so overall not a bad project and they can be reused next year!Final product (from the Chinet website)..I will be sure to post how mine turn out once I am done!
Survey Says:
Age: 3 months & 1 dayHeight/Weight : at his 2 mo appt he was up to 22.5 inches & 11lbs 7oz. I measure him a few days ago and he was 23 inches and I would say about 12.5-13lbs (I need to weigh him)
Dr Appts : no more appts till 4mo! he did great with his 2mo shots so I hope for the same outcome with these as well
Changes : he loves to grab for objects now and really tries hard to keep a hold of them. more independent play aka I can leave him on his mat and he keeps himself entertained. he laughs and smiles. can almost hold his head up with no bobbling
Sleeping: goes down between 7&8pm and sleeps until about 7am! (except the days I have to wake him up to take him to grandma's)
Accomplishments : laughings, smiling at faces he knows, turns head towards voices he knows, startles at loud sounds, grabs for objects, found his thumb! lol
Eyes : still lighter, looks like they'll be blue/grey like his daddy
Hope you enjoyed, like I said hopefully here soon this will be a bit more organized!
Austin = 2 months!
Wow, I have a 2 month old!
Its amazing, all your life you hear how you have grown up so fast and how things fly by and you just don't realize it until you have a little one of your own to watch grow every day. I cannot believe my little man is already 2 months old, where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was pushing him out!
The past month has been a whirlwind, we are out of that newborn stage and really into the infant stage of learning new things, new facial expressions, smiles & giggles and new developments almost daily. Sleep is getting much better as he almost always sleeps through the night (5+ hours). He is more awake and alert during the day and is responding to bright colors, lights, and funny faces! He coo's and babbles and tries to talk and if you talk about poop, will almost always immediately give you a big grin! (such a boy!)
On top of watching him grow daily, I am back at work & also in full speed wedding planning mode! We hired a wedding planner who will help us through everything and make sure the day of we wont have to lift a finger, he is worth every single penny! Things are crazy right now in the Bahn/Brown household, but its a new experience everyday and I am learning to just go with the flow!
I would also like to mention that I celebrated a milestone Birthday this past Tuesday, hitting a quarter century old and Kyle will be hitting his tomorrow. It really is amazing how quickly time flies by, when you are in the moment it seems so slow but looking back I wonder where the last 25 years have gone and also look forward to what the next 25 has in store for me, as long as they slow down a bit!
Well that's life so far now here is the survey!
Survey Says:
Age: 2 months
Height/Weight : at his 1 mo appointment he was 9lbs, 12 oz and 23 inches, so we will see! I think he is up to at least 12lbs and probably 24-25 inches, but I have no clue
Dr Appts : Oct 1st, his 2 mo Dr visit...I am dreading this one as he has to get 2 shots, excited to see how much he has grown though
Changes : gaining weight like crazy, he is also getting taller by the minute I swear. He is in 3mo clothing and will probably be moving up to 6 months within the month or next months!
Sleeping: we have a great bedtime routine in place now, he goes to sleep anywhere between 7:30-10 depending on his night feeding, if we have a bath ect. His initial stretch ranges anywhere from 5-8 hours and then we do a feeding and he goes back down for another 3-4 hours before he's up for the day. Naps are shorter and harder to accomplish but he still takes a few during the day, most days.
Accomplishments : his head is getting more steady by the day, he only flops every now and then if he isn't paying attention, he is grabbing and batting at things on his activity mat and he still tries to push up and stand on his own. He is also smiling and making faces and sometimes will even laugh!
Eyes : turning lighter and looking like they are going to be grey/blue!
He is still doing wonderful on trips out and as long as he is fed and changed he will mostly sleep while we run errands or grab a bite to eat.
Life is good!
Austin is 1 month!
My oh my how time flies. 2 days ago my precious little man turned 1 month old and it hit me that I only have 2 more weeks until I have to leave him and go to work *sniff*
(loves looking out the window!)
It is absolutely amazing to watch him learn and grow and change on a daily basis. He is a champ at eating but unfortunately mommy doesn't make enough to satisfy him all the time so we have had to supplement (mostly at night). I am getting my stock ready though and should be able to continue to pump when I head back to work so my mom can feed him during the day.
So my new monthly survey to keep up with Austins changes and accomplishments is below, enjoy!
Survey Says....
Age: 1 mo, 2 days
Height/Weight : not sure his appt is next week but he is up to 0-3 mo clothes and size 1 diapers so he has grown!
Dr Appts : next Thursday 8/30
Changes : he now has little rolls and his hair has grown a bit since birth, he now has chubby cheeks and a double chin!
Sleeping: during the day he sleeps for about 2 hours then wakes up, diaper change, eats and if he wants to stay awake he'll do tummy time, at night he is sleeping around 3-4 hours for his initial stretch then back to 2-3hrs as he does during the day
(one of his favorite places to sleep)
Accomplishments : he has been able to really steady his head since birth but is almost to the point of doing it all on his own! He also already rolled over from tummy to back and is smiling and making new noises
Eyes : getting lighter and bluer by the day! I think he's going to have my eyes as I can already see a ring of a different color forming around his pupil :)
So Austin is doing fabulous and like I said changing daily. We have gone on several outing since his birth and I am so excited to say that he does fabulously out and about, we even nursed in public a couple times (with a cover) and he did great (as did mommy)! Overall I have a pretty good baby, once he starts sleeping through the night and his gas is completely gone I think he'll be even more perfect than he already is!
Life as a mommy is wonderful and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Welcome Austin Joseph Brown!
Sooo sorry this is over a week late...aggh life with a newborn is never dull! OK so this post will strictly be Little Mans arrival to the world and a few pics, hope you enjoy :)
The Birth of Austin Brown
So like a timely little guy my contractions started on my due date July 20th around 9 pm. They kept getting stronger and after timing for about 1.5 hrs I decided to call the Dr on call to see what my plan of action should be. I wanted to stay home as long as possible, but wanted to be prepared. Surprise the Dr on call was the one I had seen just the day before! She told me to wait it out until I couldn't stand the pain any longer then come in, so to bed we went. Around 2 am I woke up to pee and realized that I was no longer peeing but was still leaking fluid, holy crap! my water broke!. I was so excited because I never in a million years thought it would happen that way. I woke up Kyle and we got packed up and headed to the hospital. I called the Dr back and she had them waiting for me at the hospital. Got to Rex around 2:30 am and checked into triage. My contractions were getting stronger but nothing I couldn't handle. The worst part was having fluid leaking constantly and even more every time a contraction hit.
Once out of triage I got my room and got set up with my hep-lock iv and blood pressure. I was put on monitoring for 15 min each hour and let me tell you that 15 min in bed was excruciating. I had every intention of going natural and was doing great standing up, rocking my hips and concentrating on my breathing while Kyle rubbed my back (I had front and back labor). Well the pain got intense fast and my contractions were coming on top of each other and also peaking 2-3 times before going down. I was convinced I was at transition (7 cm) so when I had the nurse check and she said 4 cm I gave up on my plan of a natural childbirth and got the epidural. Let me tell you, best decision of my life. They kept it on a low dose so I could fee the contractions but it was just intense pressure & a lot less pain. Quickly I realized I was feeling a lot of pressure down low and after finally getting my current nurse to check around 11:30 am (I think lol) she said I was 10 cm (my fear of the epidural prolonging labor was the opposite, it actually sped it up!) and ready to push!
She looked at me and immediately said ok this can take 2-3 pushes or 2-3 hours, I was jokingly saying well lets hope its the first! Um no. I pushed for 2.5 hours before Austin made his arrival. Once the Dr came in and the pushing got real I pulled every ounce of energy left in my body to get him out (this was after the threat of vacuum extraction or worse a c-sec, which I was not going to let happen!). At 3: 15 pm on Saturday July 21st, 2012 he made his arrival at a whopping 6 lbs, 6 oz and 21.5 inches long, perfect except a large bruise on his head where he was stuck in the birth canal.
He was immediately placed on my chest and we had skin to skin, we also attempted breastfeeding but that didn't go well. Needless to say we are still working on it, but it's getting better since my milk came in.
A week has gone by and Kyle is back at work, but every day I see the changes in him and the love I have for him grows. I still cannot believe I am a mommy and still getting adjusted but excited for the next 5 weeks at home with my little man!
Presenting, Mr Austin Joseph Brown :
After birth : about to get his first bath!
1 week old :)
Thanks for reading, hopefully as time goes on and we get this schedule thing down I can get back to crafts/cupcakes!
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