Monday, January 21, 2013

Catching Up!

Hell Blog World, I am soo behind its not even funny.  Between wedding planning, working, and taking care of my house and lets not forget Austin, I have had no free time to update this. So naturally I am doing it at work haha

So today my amazing little boy turned 6mo old! I cannot believe he's already half a year and how fast it went by.  He is a mover and a shaker and about one hand movement away from being a crawler, super scary!  But lets not get to ahead of ourselves, lets go back 1 mo and update from there!


5 mo Survey!

Age: 5 months

Height/Weight: will have to go check on this and get back to you (I believe 15lbs and 25.5 inches)

Dr Appts: none until 6 mo

Changes: he has 2, yes people cout em 2! teeth.  The first one came in just shy of 5 months and the other one followed about a week and a half later (btw teething = hell!) For placement reasons they are the bottom two ;)

Sleeping: still Sleeping through the night around 11-12 hours sometimes more sometimes less, just depends.

Accomplishments: rolling, rolling and rolling.  he loves tummy time and rolling around on the floor. feet are still fun as well as his man parts during diaper changes. he has also started covering his eyes at night when he takes a bottle

Eyes: looking more like mommy's every day, they are blue/grey with a slight ring around his pupil

Eating: we introducted solids at 4mo, he got oatmeal and did ok with it.  We also introduced sweet potatoes as his official "1st" food around 4.5mo and he loved it!

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...and for the current one.

6 mo Survey! (Half Birthday)

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Time Flies! 1mo - 6mo & counting

Age: 6 months!

Height/Weight: will update after his appointment Wednesday

Dr Appts: 6mo appointment Wednesday afternoon (1st one mommy is going to miss :(  )

Changes: he has such a personality, he laughs, giggles, smiles and even makes mad/frowny faces. he loves being "thrown" around and hates sitting still.  He is getting chunkier and has cute little fat rolls on his arms and legs <3>

Sleeping: still sleeping through the night, he does have what I call "bad dreams" where he cries in his sleep, which breaks my heart but its only 1 maybe 2 cries and he's back asleep.

Accomplishments: rolling rolling and rolling.  he makes his way around the living room by spinning himself to where he wants to go then rolling to get there. long gone are the days I can lay him on the floor and get things done, now I am constantly looking to see where he is and what he is doing! also as of about a week ago he is up on all fours and rocking back and forth, once he figures out how his arms work he will be gone (scared mommy right here). We are still working on sitting unassisted but I think once he gets crawling down and knows he can move he'll work on that a bit more (he just wants to go go go right now)

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(the norm in our house now)

Eyes: blue mostly with a little grey and a ring around his pupil

Eating: he has now had - purees (banana, pear, peaches, butternut squash, green beans, mango) & real food (bananas, carrots and puffs).  We are a doing a mix of puree's and BLW (baby lead weaning). If you aren't familiar with BLW essentially in a nutshells its feeding table food. Its putting small pieces or manageable pieces on baby's tray and letting them feed themselves.  Unfornuately he does not understand the concept of food = mouth (although everything else goes into his mouth) so we feed it to him but he has had bite sized pieces of banana, steamed carrots and we will be trying avacado soon (note all the food is mushy so that he can gum it).

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Keep your eyes peeled for a few more craft projects and tutorials coming soon!