Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Welcome Austin Joseph Brown!

Sooo sorry this is over a week late...aggh life with a newborn is never dull!  Ok so this post will strictly be Little Mans arrival to the world and a few pics, hope you enjoy :)

The Birth of Austin Brown:

So like a timely little guy my contractions started on my due date July 20th around 9pm.  They kept getting stronger and after timing for about 1.5hrs I decided to call the Dr on call to see what my plan of action should be.  I wanted to stay home as long as possible, but wanted to be prepared.  Surprise the Dr on call was the one I had seen just the day before! She told me to wait it out until I couldn't stand the pain any longer then come in, so to bed we went.  Around 2am I woke up to pee and realized that I was no longer peeing but was still leaking fluid, holy crap! my water broke!.  I was so excited because I never in a million years thought it would happen that way.  I woke up Kyle and we got packed up and headed to the hospital.  I called the Dr back and she had them waiting for me at the hospital.  Got to Rex around 2:30am and checked into triage.  My contractions were getting stronger but nothing I couldnt handle.  The worst part was having fluid leaking constantly and even more every time a contraction hit. 

Once out of triage I got my room and got set up with my heplock/iv and blood pressure. I was put on monitoring for 15 min each hour and let me tell you that 15 min in bed was excruciating.  I had every intention of going natural and was doing great standing up, rocking my hips and concentrating on my breathing while Kyle rubbed my back (I had front and back labor).  Well the pain got intense fast and my contractions were coming on top of each other and also peaking 2-3 times before going down.  I was convinced I was at transition (7cm) so when I had the nurse check and she said 4cm I gave up on my plan of a natural childbirth and got the epidural.  Let me tell you, best decision of my life.  They kept it on a low dose so I could fee the contractions but it was just intense pressure & a lot less pain.  Quickly I realized I was feeling a lot of pressure down low and after finally getting my current nurse to check around 11:30am (I think lol) she said I was 10cm (my fear of the epi prolonging labor was the opposite, it actually sped it up!) and ready to push!

She looked at me and immediately said ok this can take 2-3 pushes or 2-3 hours, I was jokingly saying well lets hope its the first!  Um no.  I pushed for 2.5 hours before Austin made his arrival.  Once the Dr came in and the pushing got real I pulled every ounce of energy left in my body to get him out (this was after the threat of vacuum extraction or worse a c-sec, which I was not going to let happen!).  At 3:15pm on Saturday July 21st, 2012 he made his arrival at a whopping 6lbs, 6oz and 21.5 inches long, perfect except a large bruise on his head where he was stuck in my birth canal.

He was immediately placed on my chest and we had skin to skin, we also attempted breastfeeding but that didn't go well.  Needless to say we are still working on it, but its getting better since my milk came in.

A week has gone by and Kyle is back at work, but every day I see the changes in him and the love I have for him grows.  I still cannot believe I am a mommy and still getting adjusted but excited for the next 5 weeks at home with my little man!

Presenting, Mr Austin Joseph Brown :

After birth : about to get his first bath!

1 week old :)

Thanks for reading, hopefully as time goes on and we get this schedule thing down I can get back to crafts/cupcakes!


Friday, July 20, 2012

Due Date = Today

And.....I am still pregnant!! Come on little man its time to come meet everyone!  I am completely over being pregnant, and after all the false labor I have had the past few weeks I never in a million years expected to make it to my due date or at the rate we are going past it! 

Now I know there are "methods" to naturally induce labor, I have tried them....spicy foods : check, lots of walking : check, squats : check...other methods  :check check & uh check!  I appreciate opinions but at this point I am done.  I am hoping I dont make it to my next appt Monday (just went  yesterday and only 2cm...blah) but if I do we are talking induction!

Well now that my frustration is out I will go ahead and do the norm and then head out to do some more walking, because frankly I am NOT a homebody & am going stir crazy sitting at home all the time!

Dear Little Man,

 If you dont have a watch/calendar in there, I will let you know its 7/20 and time for you to make your grand entrance.  We are all very anxious/excited to meet you and I know LOTS of people who are dying to know what your name is, and mommy is extremely excited to tell them!  You keep making me think you are coming pounding down on my lady bits like you do then nothing!  It's quite frustrating to say the least. 
To be honest I have never been so excited for pain in my life!  Its crazy to think that way, but I am just so ready to have you here and in my arms and see you and snuggle that every hour/day/minute that passes I am praying for a contraction, and ones that stick around/intensify, not those crazy last for a couple hours then dissapate ones you've been giving me!
At this point I am hoping this is my last update, as I have no plans to make it to 41 weeks, see mommy has to go back to work in 5 short weeks and every week you dont come is a week less we get to spend together before then!  So please come soon ok?

Love Always,

Survey Says!

How Far Along : 40 weeks!

Produce Size Comparison : Watermelon/Small Pumpkin

Symptoms : still having insane heartburn, even on the Zantac 150 I bought :( *sigh*, pressure/pain in lower abdomen, pain in pelvic bone, pain in upper thighs, waddling (yup got the waddle) - (all the same, nothing has changed) - + add lots of discharge! ick

Cravings/Aversions : no real cravings, really wanted a soda yesterday but mainly b/c I have been drinking water like its going out of style (and I hate water!) / aversion to anything that will cause heartburn!

Weight Gain/Loss : well as of last Friday I was +35lbs, but that was my last week of work & apparently due to swelling b/c as of yesterday I was down 3lbs so +32 seems it will be my final #

Next Appt : Monday 7/23

Sex : Little Man!

Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : below the belly stretch marks & lots of them, some more on top of boobs (sniff sniff) & linea nigra is very prominent the whole way up the belly.

Maternity Clothes : still working with my 3 dresses that fit, even my pants are tight in the stomach area now & my shirts are essentially too short : same

Baby Related Purchases? : none / after doing some "walking" today though that may change!

Movement? : pushing out, kicking his foot out my right side and slamming his head into my lady bits...all so much fun! (not)

Bellybutton? : stretched but still in (and piercing hole is still open! woo)

Whats Baby Doing this Week?: 40 weeks
It's hard to say for sure how big your baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds (a small pumpkin) and is about 20 inches long. His skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor. This so-called "molding" is the reason your baby's noggin may look a little conehead-ish after birth. Rest assured — it's normal and temporary.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Is this it?...."

I say this to myself on a daily basis now.  Yup we are at that point now where I have pain constantly, daily and sporadicly at different times.  Its crazy how you get to a point where you want to feel the pain get worse and more consistent.  Its also crazy how I went from being a complete nutcase about how I am going to "attempt" this naturally to now wanting to feel pain and thinking heck yes I can do this, just get him out! (we'll see how this goes later)

So this week besides constant pain, still being at work and having to listen to the stupid comments, and doing absolutely nothing when I get home, has been pretty uneventful.  Everything is ready to go and we are pretty much just waiting for that time to head to the hospital and get this show on the road!

So with that, this will be a short post this week.  If anything comes about before next week I will be sure to post and update you guys as best I can.  Luckily they have free wi-fi at the hospital! :)

Dear Little Man,
So essentially we are at 39 weeks...the end, the point of making me wait daily to see if the pain I am having is a real contraction or just false labor (its been the latter so far).  You are really pushing me to the last leg of the race, which is ok in reality because its good for you to cook as long as possible, but mommy is done.  I am in constant pain, tired of having to sit at work and just wanting to see you and hold you instead of feeling your little foot sticking out my side! I want to kiss those little toes and face and hands and show your adorable (yes I am going to be biased) self off to the world.  Its surreal that anyday you could be here but also I am pushing for the day to be soon.  I have 9 days left until your official Dr prescribed "due date" but feel free to come before then.  My last day at work is Friday and we are ready to go anytime after that! 
Also your daddy is quite excited to meet you, as is everyone else.  You have already had him tell you its ok to come out, and on top of that, remember that crazy lady talking to you on Sunday? that was your Aunt Sheila and she is wanting you to come soon as well.   I will say your daddy is anxious to meet you but also nervous, he claims he wont know what to do, but no worries between the hospital staff, me and family + his daddy instincts I think you & him will both be ok.

Well thats it for this week, you are welcome to make an appearance anytime soon (just not tomorrow as that is your Uncles birthday and well I dont want you to have to share!)

Love Always,

Survey Says!

How Far Along : 38 weeks, 5 days

Produce Size Comparison : Watermelon till the end!

Symptoms : still having insane heartburn, even on the Zantac 150 I bought :( *sigh*, pressure/pain in lower abdomen, pain in pelvic bone, pain in upper thighs, waddling (yup got the waddle)

Cravings/Aversions : nothing craving, aversion to everything, it all gives me heartburn (even water!)...still the same, really dont want anything lately

Weight Gain/Loss : as of last week I was the exact same down to the decimal so hopefully it'll read the same tomorrow but as of then +32lbs

Next Appt : tomorrow!! 7/12/12

Sex : Little Man!

Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : below the belly stretch marks, some more on top of boobs (sniff sniff) & linea nigra is very prominent the whole way up the belly1

Maternity Clothes : still working with my 3 dresses that fit, even my pants are tight in the stomach area now & my shirts are essentially too short

Baby Related Purchases? : none

Movement? : still pushing out and around, not as much movement this week as before but it is painful!

Bellybutton? : in, getting flat but no signs of popping

Whats Baby Doing this Week?:  (we'll just do 39 weeks since I am close enough)

Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Belated Independence Day!

Happy 4th Everyone (1 day late)! 

I completely meant to do this yesterday but well things got crazy and it didnt happen so today, while the boss is away I will blog! :)

Well, no firecracker baby for me (thank god), not like I dont want him here, because I so desperately do, but to be honest sharing your Birthday with a holiday just never sounds very pleasant to me.  Yes he would have fireworks on his Birthday every year and have off of work and all that but well the one person I know whose Birthdy is July 4th told me he always hated it, so I was really hoping he would wait.

Now that we are past the fun of a holiday he can come anyday.  I am completely miserable.  Yup you heard it, I am OVER being pregnant. I am tired of being sore, tired, swollen, not being able to sleep/get comfy enough to sleep, peeing 5x/night & nothing fitting! I am tired of people constantly asking me, "how are you doing", "oh you're still working/here", "you look ready to pop, are you ready" ugggh to answer these for you....I am miserable & 9 months pregnant, nothing fits anymore (even maternity clothes & dont even talk to me about bra's, talk about a death grip vice on your boobs), yes I am still working, unlike most countries we dont get paid maternity leave from the government and I only get 6 weeks, of those I would like to spend most with my newborn son so we can bond, yes I am a balloon and am going to "pop" when the baby comes out...seriously?  Maybe its the hormones talking but I am so over hearing that phrase!  I much prefer you look ready to unload, which my parents friend Joel so kindly said yesterday, it makes much more sense to me than popping!

So lets get down to business, or lack thereof I should say.  Nothing is going on besides cooking this child and relaxing at any point that I can, oh yea and weekly appointments!  Who doesn't love going to the Dr weekly and getting hit up for more $$ each time? (yea total sarcasm there).  I am praying they give me some good news progress wise tomorrow as the past 2 haven't really been much besides a slight cervix softening....I am hoping for some dialation at least tomorrow considering the pains I have been having! So yea keep your fingers crossed for me!

Alright on to the weekly letter!

Dear Little Man,
So we hit the milestone 37 weeks this past Friday woo Full Term!  You are now very large and in charge and mommy is exhausted, sore, tired, swollen and ready for your to make your grand entrance.  According to the bump (my bible) you are now the size of a Wintermelon and as of tomorrow (38 weeks) will be a Watermelon...yup the famous July fruit, which by the way is quite large consdering my tiny frame!  In other news you are still moving and grooving but glad to say as of my last appointment you have cooperated and are now head down and have your butt to my front which means ready to go for delivery! Now just dont flip or rotate and we'll both be happy campers when you decide to come. 
In regards to that crazy kid that keeps telling yout come out and play, thats your cousin Collin.  He is quite ready for your to come out, though since he's only 3 doesn't quite realize you wont be "playing" for a little while.  I am excited for you two to meet and know you will be close cousins.
Well at this point thats all I got for you this week kid, just ready to meet you and see your sweet face!  So anytime you are ready, mommy and daddy and the rest of the world are ready as well.  You have so many people that love you and will be there for you and I cannot wait for you to meet them...I apologize in advance for the crazy amount of people that are going to be visiting you after birth, it may get a little nuts, but know its ok to sleep through all of it ;).

Love you always,

Survey Says!

How Far Along : 37 weeks, 6 days

Produce Size Comparison : Wintermelon (Watermelon as of tomorrow)

Symptoms : killer heartburn (so ready to get that done with), pain when I walk, spreading pelvic bone, swelling in my feet & sometimes my hands, BH's are getting painful and stronger, sciatic pain in my left side

Cravings/Aversions : nothing craving, aversion to everything, it all gives me heartburn (even water!)

Weight Gain/Loss : around 30-32lbs

Next Appt : Friday 7/6 : hoping for some progress this week!

Sex : Little Man!

Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : seems like the stretch marks are multiplying...luckily they are where I cannot see them (below the belly button) and I only check em out in the mirror.  Linea Nigra is still there and the whole way up the belly

Maternity Clothes : done! still done, not buying anymore (now if someone could tell my coworker that who doesnt seem to remember my 3 piece wardrobe and asks me daily if what I am wearing is new, that would be great...)

Baby Related Purchases? : Did some shopping Sunday with my mom, who so graciously got us an extra crib sheet, changing pad cover, baby book and some prefold cloth diapers for burp cloth purposes :)

Movement? : lots of bumping and pushing and moving around

Bellybutton? : in, getting flat but no signs of popping

Whats Baby Doing this Week?:  We'll do 37 & 38 weeks (next week may be a repeat but since I am closer to 38 this week I'll throw that in there too)

      37 Weeks : Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.)

Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

   38 Weeks : Your baby has really plumped up. He weighs about 6.8 pounds and he's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). He has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold his hand for the first time! His organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.

Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If he's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If he's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after he's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)