Well speaking of appointments, I had my monthly visit Tuesday and got to meet a different OB, since I have to eventually meet them all, and she was wonderful! So far 2 down and I believe 2 or 3 more to go! The first 2 have been great, both of them I would have no problem with delivering little man, which is fabulous news. Hopefully the others are just as great. Well lets get down to it, the appointment was quick, my blood pressure is finally down to my pre-preg levels at a whopping 118/82 (darn near pefect) and she feltl around and said he was measuring right on track. HB was still high @ 152 but he's just an active little boy already! I was warned to get my tennis shoes ready by this Dr b/c he was going to be a handful lol, which if he's anything like his daddy I can imagine so :)
On the home front things are going great as well. The appraisal was done this week and I was a complete mess worrying about what it would come back at. Well drum roll please.....*bbbuuurruuhhhh* (my lame excuse for a written one...haha) it came back $500 above the purchase price!! woooohooo! I am just happy it came back above and not below what we are paying (after our down payment that gives us auto equity in the home, thank god). So at this point it is just a waiting game for the underwriter to finish up my loan and to get to closing! We could not be anymore excited to get out of this apartment (well me at least lol). I think KB is going to miss being able to walk to his friends apts but he will have a friend down the road and hey at least this one has a wife and a 1 year old little girl for me and little man to hang out with!
Ok so that is all for my weekly update this week. Everyone enjoy your green/irish beers for me (since I am missing out this year) and here is my weekly picture/survey says! Hope you enjoy!
He is definately starting to poke out more the past couple weeks & from what my July mommy friends online are saying this week and next week should be another big jump in size! :)
Survey Says....
How Far Along : 22 weeks, 1 day
Produce Size Comparison : Its a Papaya!
Produce Size Comparison : Its a Papaya!
Symptoms : oh heartburn how I missed you...um NOT! yup its back in full force this week, to the point that I now carry my tums in my purse! Braxton Hicks are making their way this week and let me tell you it is sooo weird felling my belly tighten up like that, but from what I hear having them makes labor easier so they can keep on coming!
Cravings/Aversions : Fruit/Fruit Smoothies & Ice Cream
Weight Gain/Loss : ok so I have been going by what I weighed at my 1st drs appt, not by my pre-preg weight...so if I keep going by the Drs office as of Monday I am up...duh duh duhhhh
..................................10lbs!! aahhhhh (lol jk) but its still scary!
Next Appt : April 9th
Sex : Boy!
Stretch Marks : nope..hoping they stay far far away! I am getting these weird little veins though, but from what I hear thats normal since my skin is stretching out
Maternity Clothes : broke down yesterday and went to ON and went a little crazy....mad I didnt wait until today though since they are doing 17% off your purchase..uugghh, but I did buy some cute clothes to wear including .. A black maxi dress (with straps that come off to make it strapless), Jean Capri's, a tank top and a tshirt, a 3/4 sleeve shirt, and then for little man I may have bought 2 onesies!! (darn old navy putting their infant clothes right next to the maternity clothes! lol) they are so cute though I couldnt resist, and 1 matches his room theme perfectly!
Baby Related Purchases? : 2 onsies from old navy ...see below!
now you can see why I just couldnt resist! they go with his nursery theme perfect!
Movement? : still moving and a grooving in there. luckily he hasnt woken me up at night with movement so heres hoping he's on a daytime schedule like mommy and stays that way even after birth!! now he just needs to learn that my bladder isnt a trampoline!
Whats Baby Doing this Week : At 11 inches (a papaya) and almost 1 pound, your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.
If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.
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