We are still putting the final touches on Little Mans nursery (pics soon to come) and I still have to get our bags packed, clothes, blankets and other baby items laundered and well more fun stuff around the house! I feel like the list never ends. Overall I love keeping busy but having a 4lb child in your stomach prohibits you from doing too much, which is unlike me and is hard for me to understand but now I am at the point I get out of breath at the grocery store so my activites these days are limited.
Ok so on to whats been going on. My mom and future mother in law threw me an amazing baby shower last Saturday May 19th at my parents house and it was absolutely wonderful having so many people there for me and all of their love and wonderful gifts. We received quite a few homemade items that are just so pretty and I am sure little man will enjoy all the blankets when it gets cold out this fall/winter! On top of the shower we also had maternity photo's done by my oldest friend/little sister (not blood but well we grew up together so we might as well be lol). So far from what I have seen they are wonderful and I cannot wait to get the CD to see them all and have some printed and put up in our house!! PS if you want to see them a few are on Facebook.
The past few days we have been at Falls Lake in Wake Forest camping with my parents & some family friends. It was AMAZING to just sit around and relax and of course KB had a great time fishing (although he got burnt....see what happens when you don't wear sunscreen!!). I literally just sat around, read "Fifty Shades of Grey" (on my moms recommendation) and relaxed. I never knew doing nothing could be so wonderful haha. I am enjoying every minute of it now because I know in a few short weeks reality will hit and I will have a newborn to take care of 24/7. Came back to reality today and got the house semi clean (I think our vaccuum broke..ugghh), ordered dinner and did the grocery shopping. Would've loved to sit at the pool with my bff and her boyfriend, but also had to do some laundry for work this week!
And to the baby stuff:
Dear Little Man,
So we have made it 32 weeks, can you believe it!!?? I constantly watch you moving in my belly and it still amazes me as much as it did the first time I felt your flutters. Only problem is you are now large enough to get into my ribs and its quite uncomfortable. Apparently room is tight because you move to the point of trying to escape out of my stomach at times and there are times where its so sore from you pushing, so you really should stop that! Now if I could only figure out which way you are laying in there! I dont think you are head down yet, but I think you are a mix of transverse (laying across my stomach) and breech. I constantly feel a lump near my ribs and by my belly button and I think its your cute little butt but I think we'll figure that out soon! I am hoping the Dr will tell me at my next appointment so I can hopefully get you to move into your proper labor position within the next few weeks! I am getting so excited to meet you and see who you look like! I am dying to know what you look like as I haven't seen your adorable face since 18 weeks!! I am sure you look like your daddy and to be honest I would be ok with that, as long as you get my intelligence and both of our love for sports (daddy wants you to have his love of fishing as well, so be ready!)
I am excited to meet you in 8 short weeks (maybe sooner but hopefully not as every week you bake is better for you!) and I know your daddy is as well. Time will go fast, just please let mommy get some sleep and stop cracking my ribs!
Love you forever,
Since I missed a week here are my 30 and 31 week pics! :) To be honest I dont think he grew much in between those 2 weeks, I think he has growth spurts now that the end is near! (which is quite scary as I feel big enough)
Survey Says:
How Far Along : 32 weeks, 8 to go!
Produce Size Comparison : Squash! ahh so big, its crazy to think there is a squash in my belly!
Symptoms : Hearburn has still been my biggest symptom, more Braxton Hicks...when I do pretty much anything, and sore in my stomach from him moving and pushing out
Cravings/Aversions : Fruit Smoothies, Nilla Wafers, Chocolate Ice Cream and an Ice Cold Glass of Milk, still no big aversions
Weight Gain/Loss : 152 as of my last appt, 154 at my work thing but I had just had lunch and I was swollen so we'll say 23lbs.
Next Appt : June 4th
Sex : Boy Boy Boy
Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : still no stretchmarks, linea negra has made its appearence above my belly button but I am happy with the no stretchmarks thing :) *fingers crossed they stay away*
Maternity Clothes : I am oficially done, cant fathom buying something for only 8 weeks of wear, on the other hand cannot WAIT to get into regular clothes again ahh they are so cute!
Baby Related Purchases? : tons of stuff at the baby shower, plus I got gift cards so purchased most of what we need, just a few more things (including a diaper bag) which may come with my work shower!
Movement? : he is still trying to escape, lots of pushing out and moving around, not many kicks
Bellybutton? : still shallow but I think ill keep my innie!
Whats Baby Doing this Week : By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (size of a squash) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus (aint that the truth!). You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, he'll gain a third to half of his birth weight during the next 7 weeks as he fattens up for survival outside the womb. He now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). His skin is becoming soft and smooth as he plumps up in preparation for birth.