Monday, May 28, 2012

And It's Two!

2 Months that is...fooled ya! ha Sorry about missing last week, between a baby shower, memorial day (which I should throw out a shout out to all of our fallen soldiers and servicemen & women, we appreciate all you have done to keep our country free & protected) & day to day activities, things have just been completley busy busy busy.

We are still putting the final touches on Little Mans nursery (pics soon to come) and I still have to get our bags packed, clothes, blankets and other baby items laundered and well more fun stuff around the house! I feel like the list never ends.  Overall I love keeping busy but having a 4lb child in your stomach prohibits you from doing too much, which is unlike me and is hard for me to understand but  now I am at the point I get out of breath at the grocery store so my activites these days are limited.

Ok so on to whats been going on.  My mom and future mother in law threw me an amazing baby shower last Saturday May 19th at my parents house and it was absolutely wonderful having so many people there for me and all of their love and wonderful gifts.  We received quite a few homemade items that are just so pretty and I am sure little man will enjoy all the blankets when it gets cold out this fall/winter!  On top of the shower we also had maternity photo's done by my oldest friend/little sister (not blood but well we grew up together so we might as well be lol).  So far from what I have seen they are wonderful and I cannot wait to get the CD to see them all and have some printed and put up in our house!!  PS if you want to see them a few are on Facebook.

The past few days we have been at Falls Lake in Wake Forest camping with my parents & some family friends.  It was AMAZING to just sit around and relax and of course KB had a great time fishing (although he got burnt....see what happens when you don't wear sunscreen!!).  I literally just sat around, read "Fifty Shades of Grey" (on my moms recommendation) and relaxed.  I never knew doing nothing could be so wonderful haha.  I am enjoying every minute of it now because I know in a few short weeks reality will hit and I will have a newborn to take care of 24/7.  Came back to reality today and got the house semi clean (I think our vaccuum broke..ugghh), ordered dinner and did the grocery shopping.  Would've loved to sit at the pool with my bff and her boyfriend, but also had to do some laundry for work this week!

And to the baby stuff:

Dear Little Man,

So we have made it 32 weeks, can you believe it!!?? I constantly watch you moving in my belly and it still amazes me as much as it did the first time I felt your flutters.  Only problem is you are now large enough to get into my ribs and its quite uncomfortable.  Apparently room is tight because you move to the point of trying to escape out of my stomach at times and there are times where its so sore from you pushing, so you really should stop that!  Now if I could only figure out which way you are laying in there!  I dont think you are head down yet, but I think you are a mix of transverse (laying across my stomach) and breech.  I constantly feel a lump near my ribs and by my belly button and I think its your cute little butt but I think we'll figure that out soon!  I am hoping the Dr will tell me at my next appointment so I can hopefully get you to move into your proper labor position within the next few weeks!  I am getting so excited to meet you and see who you look like! I am dying to know what you look like as I haven't seen your adorable face since 18 weeks!! I am sure you look like your daddy and to be honest I would be ok with that, as long as you get my intelligence and both of our love for sports (daddy wants you to have his love of fishing as well, so be ready!)
I am excited to meet you in 8 short weeks (maybe sooner but hopefully not as every week you bake is better for you!) and I know your daddy is as well.  Time will go fast, just please let mommy get some sleep and stop cracking my ribs!

Love you forever,

Since I missed a week here are my 30 and 31 week pics! :) To be honest I dont think he grew much in between those 2 weeks, I think he has growth spurts now that the end is near! (which is quite scary as I feel big enough)

Survey Says:

How Far Along : 32 weeks, 8 to go!

Produce Size Comparison : Squash! ahh so big, its crazy to think there is a squash in my belly!

Symptoms : Hearburn has still been my biggest symptom, more Braxton Hicks...when I do pretty much anything, and sore in my stomach from him moving and pushing out

Cravings/Aversions :  Fruit Smoothies, Nilla Wafers, Chocolate Ice Cream and an Ice Cold Glass of Milk, still no big aversions

Weight Gain/Loss : 152 as of my last appt, 154 at my work thing but I had just had lunch and I was swollen so we'll say 23lbs.
Next Appt : June 4th

Sex : Boy Boy Boy

Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : still no stretchmarks, linea negra has made its appearence above my belly button but I am happy with the no stretchmarks thing :) *fingers crossed they stay away*

Maternity Clothes : I am oficially done, cant fathom buying something for only 8 weeks of wear, on the other hand cannot WAIT to get into regular clothes again ahh they are so cute!

Baby Related Purchases? : tons of stuff at the baby shower, plus I got gift cards so purchased most of what we need, just a few more things (including a diaper bag) which may come with my work shower!

Movement? : he is still trying to escape, lots of pushing out and moving around, not many kicks

Bellybutton? : still shallow but I think ill keep my innie!

Whats Baby Doing this Week : By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (size of a squash) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus (aint that the truth!). You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, he'll gain a third to half of his birth weight during the next 7 weeks as he fattens up for survival outside the womb. He now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). His skin is becoming soft and smooth as he plumps up in preparation for birth.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Counting Down From 10!

10 weeks that is, can you believe I only have that many left?  I find it quite insane to be honest, it seems as if time has completely flown by and just whizzed right on past me.  Now don't get me wrong, I am completely excited to meet my little guy, love that we are finally settling into the house (not so much about the upcoming dreaded 1st mortgage payment, but hey it comes with a price right?), getting the nursery ready, babyshowers, and all the fun stuff this spring/summer has/had to offer, but man it seems as if the past few months have just flashed by me!

So this week not much has changed, I really dont feel any different, besides maybe a bit more uncomfy, having some trouble getting up, but overall I dont even feel much bigger.  I know at this point its more like "growth spurts" with the baby and I am sure one morning soon I will wake up and be like wow, I cant see the TV over my belly, lol, but for now I am fine with things the way they are.

Update!! I had my "dreaded" Glucose Test Monday, a huge THANKS to my bff Sheila for coming with me so I didnt have to sit there for an hour by myself after I drank the yummy glucola!  LOL, the best part is I am not exaggerating the stuff really wasnt bad, just tasted like extra sugary Hi-C.  While I was waiting I did get to go back and see the Dr, my last of the rotation..woo..small victory there as now I can go back to my favorite until the end!, and she measured me and as always he is right on track for where he should be, my weight gain is good, and his HB was in the 140's!

After meeting with the Dr it was pretty much a waiting game until my hour was up.  So we sat and talked and BAM 9:40 arrived and I went to the lab....sulking (I hate blood draws). So I sat on down, turned my head and she went in, 1 min later she was done and I was holding the cotton ball when I suddenly saw the world getting whiter, my hearing going out and knowing that I was about to pass out! I asked for a glass of water and couldnt even get water out before realizing I was seriously dizzy!  The next thing I realize is there are 4 nurses standing in front of me, 1 with a cup of coke and another with crackers. Let me tell you that coke was a lifesaver, they got me in a wheelchair and over to a recliner where I kicked back and drank my coke, ate my crackers and regained color in my face lol. 5 min later I was good to go and also got word while sitting there that I PASSED!! woo no 3 hour test for me, thank god!

So thats about it for the week, my baby shower is next weekend and I could not be any more excited to see everyone!!! Plus I am having maternity photo's done by my wonderful friend/little sister Sam who takes amazing outdoor photo's!

On to the baby stuff...well...more of it hehe

Dear Little Man,
We are down to the final stretch and the last few weeks before your birth.  I am not quite sure how much you weight right now, by my estimates I would say 3.5lbs would be close, at least thats what it feels like I am carrying around!, but if you were to be born right now you would have wonderful odds of making it and being a big healthy boy. Now on that note, you need to keep cooking so don't get any ideas! Your room isnt even close to being done yet, I still have baby showers and things to buy and well we are just plain not ready yet!

On another note, we have our last birthing class nex week and your daddy is going to get to learn how to bathe you, change your diaper, swaddle you and basically the basics on how to take care of you.  Now this may sound like common sense, but for someone who has never done this before its hard work and mommy needs to make sure he is a pro by the time you get here. She also is excited to "brush up" on her  skills as its been awhile since she had to do any of this with a baby!

About tonight, if you notice that you have a little more support when mommy lays down to go to bed, you can thank Nana! She bought mommy and daddy a wonderful new mattress set that will support you in my belly much better than the old one we had.  Now this means you can go to sleep at a decent hour and not keep me up till midnight practicing your dance moves, k?

Well thats all I have for now, oh wait, one last thing, please STOP kicking or headbutting mommy down in her nether regions, not only is she worried she is going to pee on herself when you do this but it HURTS! Ok thanks!

Love you always,

ps. you and daddy need to stop having these little "conversations" without me, he keeps telling me about these and I am not a fan, unless you are planning something for my first mothers day, in which case scheme on!

Survey Says:

How Far Along : 30 weeks, 10 more to go! eek

Produce Size Comparison : Cucumber! (this is by length lol he's not that skinny!)

Symptoms : ugggh Heartburn can suck a big one, I am so tired of eating tums all the time and my taste buds apparently arent happy either b/c when I eat too many my taste gets all out of whack! "Lightening Crotch" as they call it, I think its Little Man kicking my nether regions or at least it feels that way but it sucks!  Lets see I also have, back pain, trouble getting up, trouble finding ANY comfy position to sleep in and oh yea my stomach is TIGHT! I think my skin gave up on stretching any further lol

Cravings/Aversions :  Fruit, whipped cream, milk and cereal lol

Weight Gain/Loss : Ok so my last post was WRONG, I was apparently swollen from the heat, thank god! At my appt I was at 147 so up 17lbs from my original weight in of 130 at 9 weeks :). I can def handle 17lbs!

Next Appt : May 21st! We are down to every 2 week appts now woo!

Sex : All Boy!

Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : thank god no!! woo / this has moved up though and now is faintly running from my belly button halfway up my belly hehe

Maternity Clothes : so I headed to the mall last week and macys was having a buy 3 get 1 free all maternity stuff so I got 2 dresses, 1 for my maternity photo shoot :) and some capris and a shirt!

Baby Related Purchases? : No purchases, but received some hand me downs from Kyles step sisters son :)

Movement? : I still feel like he's trying to escape some times.  Poor thing is so cramped most of the time its not even "kicks" anymore but instead I just see a lump run across my stomach lol, who knows if its a butt, head, elbow, foot, shoot I have no clue! I do like playing whack a mole with whatever part sticks out though hehe (more like light tap a mole, for all you who think I am whacking my baby while in utero, I am def not!)

Bellybutton? : getting shallower!! eek, I think its going to stay in though, but we shall see!

Whats Baby Doing this Week : Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and he weighs almost 3 pounds, about the size of a head of cabbage! A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds him, but that volume will decrease as he gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. His eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after he's born, he'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When he does open them, he'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means he can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (sounds about like my vision now...hopefully he gets his daddy's eyesight!)


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hello World...I'm BACK!

Dear Blogworld....I sooooo apologize for missing the past couple of weeks, I know you were all devastated not to hear from me *cough right cough* ha! Well I am back and just be prepared because a whole heck of a lot has gone on to keep me busy and away from the computer and to be honest the rest of the world for the past few weeks. So on we go!

House Update:

So the major reason I have been MIA these past few weeks, we are Officially Homeowners!! We are both absolutely in love with the house and could not be any more happy to have our own place to play with!  Sadly after only 1 week here, KB had to head to Wisconsini for work (his last store opening before little man comes) so we haven't been able to do too much in the way of big things, but on the bright side thanks to the help of family and friends we are all unpacked, mostly put away and now just working on making our house a home. 

Here are a few pics of the house with our stuff so far in it.

Sadly my camera died and I cannot find my cord right now to charge it so no Living/Dining/Kitchen/Laundry Room pics...I only made it as far as the bedrooms, but I will update as soon as I can!

For the living room our plans are as follows (well my plans since I am the master decorator hehe):

  1.  New Couch and Loveseat (must train kitties not to scratch first, I am working on that!)
  2.  TV Stand (one that doesnt look like it belongs in a college dorm...may splurge on my 2nd ikea trip and buy the one I wanted during the first trip.....ssshhh)
  3. New Coffee & Side Tables (again we have to move into big people furniture and lose the cheap walmart stuff I bought for the apartment and tiny space)
  4. Paint  - this one will probably be last as I am DONE painting (hehe we'll get to that later) and with the baby due soon and so much going on between now and then we just wont have the time, I am thinking of a poppy yellow color but again it will be a while and we shall see

Kitchen/Dining/Laundry Room Plans:

  1. Storage for Laundry Supplies
  2.  Chalkboard Frame on Wall (laundry)
  3. Dining Room Table and Chairs
  4. Rug for Under Dining Room Table
  5. Kitchen Rugs
  6. Something for Large Blank wall in dining room (suggestions welcome, its a big blank wall!)

Nursery: (sneak peek)

This room I have big plans for and hopefully it will be coming together well in the next few weeks.  Sadly I fell in love with a crib at Ikea that was perfect height for me to be able to reach in and grab little man, but they didnt have any in stock in the color I wanted so it will be a 2nd trip (this time calling and hopefully them putting 1 to the side before I make the 3hr trek) before we have a crib in the room.  I also plan to put up some shelves to put the sailboat & a few other nautical finds on.  I should be receiving our wall decal any day now and I am soo excited to see it up on the wall, it fits perfectly with the theme! Oh btw that lovely navy blue on the walls is why I am done painting for a while! It took 5 coats and about as many days to get it looking so lovely.  (shout out to Sheila & Jason for helping me stop freaking after 2 coats and to Jason for showing me some tips when using a dark paint color!)

Bedrooms/Baths :

Our master bed and bath is almost complete.  We have our bed from my Ikea trip Sunday with my mom and Sheila, to put together when KB gets home and will be hopefully adding a new mattress soon thanks to my WONDERFUL future mother in law (seriously could not ask for a better mother in law :)...) I would eventually like to paint it a deeper tan color but for now it works and I am happy with it, once we get the curtains & wall decor up it will be 10x more fabulous!

As for the other room, its a work in progress.  This room will eventually be Kyles man room or game room, so that he can get the playstation out of my living room and into his own space.  It will also end up being a small office for the computer & printer to hang out and also for my craft supplies.  This is probably our last priority for now & more than likely will be a while before its done..poor KB lol.

**Ok now that we have that taken care of, lets move on to the wedding!

Wedding Update:

We are now set to go visit my dream location June 3rd and hopefully get that part of the planning process taken care of. It will be nice to see all the updates they have made since our last visit in February and to also show KB & my dad where I really want to get married!  I have lots of ideas and cannot wait to get planning, sadly it wont be until after little man gets here but hey I will have a location booked before he arrives and thats all that matters!

** & now for the part you have all been bugging me about haha!

Baby Update:

So they say the 3rd tri you really start to grow, well that must be true because over the last 2 weeks his space has become more and more confined.  Day by day I feel more movements, stronger movements and I swear all day today he was trying to bust out through my belly button! It was to the point that I doubled over a couple times at my desk because he pushed so hard on the front of my stomach!  I cannot believe I am already in the 3rd trimester and looking back at my pics am really starting to wonder why I wanted this belly so bad.  My self confidence has gone out the window lately as I feel like a whale and I am seriously missing my flat stomach, but I know I will get it all back + some after he is born and in the end its all worth it for my little man!

On another baby note, I am quite excited about our baby shower coming up in a couple short weeks!! I love the fact that its co-ed and KB will get to have fun too, after all its celebrating the life we are bringing into the world not just me, so why should it be just a bunch of women?  I am also quite scared at what people at work have planned, I have seen them throw a dept wide baby shower for a co-worker who just had a little girl last month, saran wrap someones car that is getting married this Saturday so lord knows what will happen with me! I have told them I am hiding my car from here on out lol! 

Alright so lets get down to business as I am tired and ready for bed! :)

Dear Little Man,
Mommy is so sorry she has missed writing to you the last couple of weeks  I know we talk on a daily basis, well I talk and you just make my belly dance, but I love having a weekly letter for you so I am bummed I will have to combine these weeks.  Just know it was all worth it for mommy and daddy to get moved in and settled into our new house and know that I have been working non stop to get your room perfect and completely ready for your arrival.   I really hope you like the theme as I think it will suite you well as you grow. 
Now we must talk about these movements you have been making lately.  Congrats on finally letting Aunt Sheila feel you, she quite enjoyed it and I enjoyed you teasing her all day while we were at Ikea hehe, I knew you would finally cave!  As much as I love feeling you move around, it is quite distracting when I am trying to work and you are trying to escape out of my belly button, which speaking of such is getting very shallow lately as you grow bigger and bigger and push out my belly more and more!  If you could just lighten the movements up and take some time during the day to rest we will both be happy campers, I promise!
I cannot believe we are down to the final 11 weeks (if you bake for the full 40 that is). It seems like yesterday I was finding out I had you inside my belly and now that presence is known on a daily basis.  Please be kind to mommy in these next few weeks and make sure you keep that head & shoulders small for me so we can both have an easy eviction day :).  I cannot wait to see you and see if you really do look just like your daddy (all bets are on that you will be his spitting image, I hope!) but I can manage to wait for the next couple months as long as you are happy and healthy thats all that matters.

Love Always,

**now since I missed the last 3 weeks, here are my 26, 27 and 28 week pics (my 28 is aweful I was up way too late last night finishing a few surprises for KB and his return so ignore my nasty self lol)

**26 weeks, 5 days**
(last pic at the apt & last free day of my wonderful free photo editing website boo!)

** 27 weeks, 5 days**

**28 weeks, 5 days**

Survey Says:

How Far Along : 28 weeks, 6 days (lets just say 29 since its almost there lol)

Produce Size Comparison : Acorn Squash

Symptoms : constant heartburn, stomach stretching, swollen feet/ankles (only when we have 90 degree temps like the past few days!), back to being exhausted (although not sure if its from the whole doing things 24/7 or actual pregnancy but we'll add it to the list)

Cravings/Aversions :  Craving mostly fruits and fruit smoothies, but tonight I really wanted a nice grilled burger so I had cookout :).

Weight Gain/Loss : Uggghhh I am up 21lbs as of this morning :(

Next Appt : May 7th, and the dreaded Glucose Test, still not excited about this Monday

Sex : Boy oh Boy, still a boy!

Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : still no signs of stretch marks & my belly is def stretching! Still half a linea nigra going from the belly button down but its not too dark

Maternity Clothes : no new maternity purchases, tried out a dress from Forever 21 as a possible maternity photo shoot dress, came in the mail today and I feel like a whale in it so back of the closet it went until I drop this weight! Will have to try out some retail therapy tomorrow at Crabtree waiting for KB to get home from the airport, hopefully I can find a dress for my pics!

Baby Related Purchases? : Lots of paint, some wall decor, some craft items for wall decor, I am holding out on anything else until after the baby shower!

Movement? : LOTS and LOTS, omg there is not only more movement but its to the point that I can feel him through my stomach now, its crazy! I love watching my belly dance when I lay down at night, although I think he was raving in there the other night as it literally was going NUTS!

Bellybutton? : still an innie but slowly making its way to being an outtie! The belly button ring has come out as it was causing redness and itching (that cleared up after it was removed) but I do put it in once a week or so to make sure it doesnt close! I feel naked without it!

Whats Baby Doing this Week : Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.

So there is a lot more I can add as a lot went on these past few weeks but I wont bore you with the details, just want to throw out a quick CONGRATS once more to Mr & Mrs Rob & Angela Rainey who were married on April 20th, in a very pretty small ceremony at their house! We love you guys and hope to see you soon!

Thats all for me this week, its off to bed for once before 11pm!! wooo
