Friday, May 11, 2012

Counting Down From 10!

10 weeks that is, can you believe I only have that many left?  I find it quite insane to be honest, it seems as if time has completely flown by and just whizzed right on past me.  Now don't get me wrong, I am completely excited to meet my little guy, love that we are finally settling into the house (not so much about the upcoming dreaded 1st mortgage payment, but hey it comes with a price right?), getting the nursery ready, babyshowers, and all the fun stuff this spring/summer has/had to offer, but man it seems as if the past few months have just flashed by me!

So this week not much has changed, I really dont feel any different, besides maybe a bit more uncomfy, having some trouble getting up, but overall I dont even feel much bigger.  I know at this point its more like "growth spurts" with the baby and I am sure one morning soon I will wake up and be like wow, I cant see the TV over my belly, lol, but for now I am fine with things the way they are.

Update!! I had my "dreaded" Glucose Test Monday, a huge THANKS to my bff Sheila for coming with me so I didnt have to sit there for an hour by myself after I drank the yummy glucola!  LOL, the best part is I am not exaggerating the stuff really wasnt bad, just tasted like extra sugary Hi-C.  While I was waiting I did get to go back and see the Dr, my last of the rotation..woo..small victory there as now I can go back to my favorite until the end!, and she measured me and as always he is right on track for where he should be, my weight gain is good, and his HB was in the 140's!

After meeting with the Dr it was pretty much a waiting game until my hour was up.  So we sat and talked and BAM 9:40 arrived and I went to the lab....sulking (I hate blood draws). So I sat on down, turned my head and she went in, 1 min later she was done and I was holding the cotton ball when I suddenly saw the world getting whiter, my hearing going out and knowing that I was about to pass out! I asked for a glass of water and couldnt even get water out before realizing I was seriously dizzy!  The next thing I realize is there are 4 nurses standing in front of me, 1 with a cup of coke and another with crackers. Let me tell you that coke was a lifesaver, they got me in a wheelchair and over to a recliner where I kicked back and drank my coke, ate my crackers and regained color in my face lol. 5 min later I was good to go and also got word while sitting there that I PASSED!! woo no 3 hour test for me, thank god!

So thats about it for the week, my baby shower is next weekend and I could not be any more excited to see everyone!!! Plus I am having maternity photo's done by my wonderful friend/little sister Sam who takes amazing outdoor photo's!

On to the baby stuff...well...more of it hehe

Dear Little Man,
We are down to the final stretch and the last few weeks before your birth.  I am not quite sure how much you weight right now, by my estimates I would say 3.5lbs would be close, at least thats what it feels like I am carrying around!, but if you were to be born right now you would have wonderful odds of making it and being a big healthy boy. Now on that note, you need to keep cooking so don't get any ideas! Your room isnt even close to being done yet, I still have baby showers and things to buy and well we are just plain not ready yet!

On another note, we have our last birthing class nex week and your daddy is going to get to learn how to bathe you, change your diaper, swaddle you and basically the basics on how to take care of you.  Now this may sound like common sense, but for someone who has never done this before its hard work and mommy needs to make sure he is a pro by the time you get here. She also is excited to "brush up" on her  skills as its been awhile since she had to do any of this with a baby!

About tonight, if you notice that you have a little more support when mommy lays down to go to bed, you can thank Nana! She bought mommy and daddy a wonderful new mattress set that will support you in my belly much better than the old one we had.  Now this means you can go to sleep at a decent hour and not keep me up till midnight practicing your dance moves, k?

Well thats all I have for now, oh wait, one last thing, please STOP kicking or headbutting mommy down in her nether regions, not only is she worried she is going to pee on herself when you do this but it HURTS! Ok thanks!

Love you always,

ps. you and daddy need to stop having these little "conversations" without me, he keeps telling me about these and I am not a fan, unless you are planning something for my first mothers day, in which case scheme on!

Survey Says:

How Far Along : 30 weeks, 10 more to go! eek

Produce Size Comparison : Cucumber! (this is by length lol he's not that skinny!)

Symptoms : ugggh Heartburn can suck a big one, I am so tired of eating tums all the time and my taste buds apparently arent happy either b/c when I eat too many my taste gets all out of whack! "Lightening Crotch" as they call it, I think its Little Man kicking my nether regions or at least it feels that way but it sucks!  Lets see I also have, back pain, trouble getting up, trouble finding ANY comfy position to sleep in and oh yea my stomach is TIGHT! I think my skin gave up on stretching any further lol

Cravings/Aversions :  Fruit, whipped cream, milk and cereal lol

Weight Gain/Loss : Ok so my last post was WRONG, I was apparently swollen from the heat, thank god! At my appt I was at 147 so up 17lbs from my original weight in of 130 at 9 weeks :). I can def handle 17lbs!

Next Appt : May 21st! We are down to every 2 week appts now woo!

Sex : All Boy!

Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : thank god no!! woo / this has moved up though and now is faintly running from my belly button halfway up my belly hehe

Maternity Clothes : so I headed to the mall last week and macys was having a buy 3 get 1 free all maternity stuff so I got 2 dresses, 1 for my maternity photo shoot :) and some capris and a shirt!

Baby Related Purchases? : No purchases, but received some hand me downs from Kyles step sisters son :)

Movement? : I still feel like he's trying to escape some times.  Poor thing is so cramped most of the time its not even "kicks" anymore but instead I just see a lump run across my stomach lol, who knows if its a butt, head, elbow, foot, shoot I have no clue! I do like playing whack a mole with whatever part sticks out though hehe (more like light tap a mole, for all you who think I am whacking my baby while in utero, I am def not!)

Bellybutton? : getting shallower!! eek, I think its going to stay in though, but we shall see!

Whats Baby Doing this Week : Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and he weighs almost 3 pounds, about the size of a head of cabbage! A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds him, but that volume will decrease as he gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. His eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after he's born, he'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When he does open them, he'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means he can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (sounds about like my vision now...hopefully he gets his daddy's eyesight!)


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