Yup so now its Wednesday, which means I am officially 2 weeks behind on pics and 1.5 weeks behind on my blog, sorry world! I get home these days and want to do nothing but sleep! If my butt touches that couch or my head hits that pillow I am out like a light, heck the thought of going to Cold Stone last night barely got me off the couch once I started dozing off!
So I want to throw in some gripes this week so that once this baby is out and I think I miss being pregnant I can come back and remember all the fun stuff I am dealing with and be thankful I am not! So for this week I am going to do a lit of things I am NOT thankful for!
1. People giving their unsolicited advice on pregnancy/newborns
2. Swollen Feet & Ankles
3. Swollen Hands & Face
4. Lack of sleep do to not being able to get comfy
5. Heartburn (you can go and die!)
6. Feeling like a giant whale
7. My closet being filled with about 3 whole outfits I can still manage to fit my whaleself into
8. People staring at me anytime I go somewhere (yes I look 16, no I am not!)
9. The phrase "get your sleep now!" (um really b/c I can store it up and save it for later? oh no thats right b/c I am sleeping so wonderfully now & have been for the past 2 months!)
10. Getting asked EVERYWHERE I GO, "when are you due" "what are you having" "what is his name"....seriously cashier at sheetz do I know you? do you really need to know my personal history, you want my medical records too?
11. Being able to only comfortably wear 1 pair of shoes to work & 1 other pair any other time
12. Having the only question people ask me anymore is "how are you feeling" (like a fat cow with an alien in my stomach running on 2 hours of sleep, you?)
13. The feeling like my pelvic bone is about to rip into 2 along with my thighs
14. 2 Words : "Lightening Crotch"
Ok I will stop there :) Yes I am quite moody today and ready to be off of work for 6 weeks. I have decided that at around 6 mo you should be qualified for disability and be able to not work! The government pays people who are far less incapable to do nothing all day so why not help out a hard working tax paying citizen who is seriously disabled?
What really blows my mind is looking at other countires, with the exception of Australia we are the ONLY country that does not provide some sort of paid maternity leave, some countries even pay for the fathers to stay home! It's sad that as such a strong country & world power that we cannot even do that. I am grateful to have the 6 weeks off that I do, then I read online about moms in Canada and their 50 weeks paid! Makes me sick!
On another note lets get into the baby stuff as I am at work and no time to waste! (no this will not get done if I wait to do it at home lol)
Dear Little Man,
We are just 1.5 days shy of 37 weeks, you know what that means? Full term baby!! Woo! That means I am serving you eviction papers, in other words, I will be doing everything in my power to get you out! I am praying at my appointment Friday you have at least made some sort of progress from last week where I was a big ole nothing dialted! Hopefully this week we have some sort of dialition, effacement, thinning.... something!
I know there has got to be something going on because it feels like you are sitting right there ready to burst out at any moment, especially when I stand up! You for some reason though are still attempting to escape out of my stomach, word to the wise, you are more than welcome to try the other way, like down the birth canal, the way god intended ;). You can stop hurting me by trying to force your way out my stomach, belly button and sides, they are not buding buddy!
On another note if this makes things any better, we are ready for you to come. We got the last few items we need (besides your cloth diapers which are soon to come next, but not needed for your immediate use) at my work baby shower last Thursday thanks to my generous coworkers, I have washed all your items (except some clothes, just in case) and your carseat base is in the Jeep and ready for you to ride! So again feel free to make your descent at any point now, we are SO ready to meet you!
My last 2 pics (the one above is from today!)
Is it weird that I look bigger in the one from last week? lol maybe its just me!
Survey Says!
How Far Along : 36 weeks, 5 days
Produce Size Comparison : Honeydew
Symptoms : *sigh* Heartburn (almost out of my meds!), Lightening Crotch, Swelling, General Uncomfiness, Lots of Discharge (TMI yes I know)
Cravings/Aversions : The cookie skillet still sounds good, went to Coldstone last night and they had a hot cookie thing with ice cream but alas it had uncooked cookie dough on top (which of course I cant have) so I had a banana royale sundae mmmm. No strict aversions, but not all that hungry anymore
Weight Gain/Loss : according to last Fridays appt +32lbs, according to my scale this morning +27lbs....who knows!
Next Appt : Friday (on weekly appts now) 6/29/12, hopefully this one goes better than the last!
Sex : BOY!!
Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : yes to both :( luckily they are clear variety and will hopefully dissapear after the weight is gone!) good news is they are below the belly button so they arent as noticable
Maternity Clothes : done!
Baby Related Purchases? : I personally didnt purchase anything, but got some clothes, a Puj tub and a K'tan carrier from my wonderful coworkers, along with some books, a teether and some booties!
Movement? : painful pushing, turning, moving, whatever he's doing in there, plus head is down and it moves now too!
Bellybutton? : still in, dont think its going to change
Whats Baby Doing this Week : Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. He now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. He's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered his body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected his skin during his nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement. (yumm right?) haha
At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Full-term is 37 to 42 weeks; babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely he's in a head-down position (YUP!). But if he isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying he'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position by manipulating him from the outside of your belly. (lets just say if he is not head down on Friday, you may hear me from 10,000 miles away!)
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