Saturday, February 18, 2012

18 Weeks and Counting....!

Ahh, sorry guys I am so behind!  This week has been a complete whirlwind and I have had no desire to do anything besides lay in bed any time I get the chance.

Ok lets start with the reason I know you are all reading this...our Baby Appt!! As you know we had our appointment on Valentines Day and let me tell you, I was a nervous wreck the entire day wondering about what was going to happen.  Dont tell KB but I had a feeling deep down (in my stomach, hehe) that it was a boy, but I was holding out for my girl!

Most of you know already from FB (I really need to learn how to keep secrets), but heres the picture showcasing what we are having...

There are boy parts right above where it says "It's a Boy"

Thats right folks, almost EVERYONE was right and we are having a bouncing (literally) baby boy!

So I found out again how much I LOVE my Drs office as the tech that did our U/S was amazing!  We got there a bit early and after my routine pee sample, blood pressure check (she had to do 3 times as I was SOOO excited, lol) and finger prick she took us right back and put me on the table.  

The U/S room was awesome, they had a large flat screen in front of myself and KB so we didn't have to sit there with our necks cricked the ENTIRE time (which was a good 35-40 minutes).

So our tech had a bit of fun with us and started out with the head and measured everything, showed us the brain, ect, then slowly moved her way down. While she was doing that we were both amazed out how much he has grown from a little peanut to a little person.  She had no problems getting all the measurements all the way down to his little wee! KB's face LIT UP when she said it was a boy and he saw his man parts, it made it all worth it to me and I have come to love the fact I will have a little boy.

Well after all that excitement we sat back down to wait for the Dr and talked names and .........WE AREN'T TELLING hehe :) but little man does have a name!!


Survey Says....
How Far Along : 18 weeks, 1 day
Produce Size Comparison : It's a Sweet Potato!
Symptoms : Still fighting Heartburn, Tired, Peeing Constantly
Cravings/Aversions : Sweets! Ice Cream/Milkshakes mostly / Bojangles / Chips n Dip

Weight Gain/Loss : +1 lb

Next Appt : March 15th

Sex : It a BOY!

Stretch Marks : still none (knock on wood)!

Maternity Clothes : still working with the same ones I have had, no new purchases

Baby Related Purchases? : nothing besides the fleece (waiting till we move)
Movement? : apparently baby brown does not like it when I lean forward so he'll kick me, moving during the day sometimes, always at night laying on my back

On to our next good news......

So we have been in the process of buying our first house since August, yes I said August, of last year.  It has been stressful and a roller coaster but the program we were attempting to go through was known for its lengthy process so I was ready. What we werent ready for was it to have us going month to month on our lease.  Well after thinking about it, I decided to see what my company (I work for Wells Fargo Home Mortgage) could offer us.  This was also on Valentines Day (yes it was an AWESOME day), and 30 minutes after talking to our loan officer, we were APPROVED!!

So tomorrow we will be going on our first house hunt and hopefully within a few weeks we will be under contract!

Wish us luck :)

More to come later, keep your eyes peeled!



  1. That is Awesome! Blessings of a baby boy (can't wait to hear the name...hope you are not going to hold out until the birth :P) and a new home. So very happy and excited for you!

  2. We are holding off on telling the name ;) I decided it would be fun to make it a surprise haha! Thank you for the kind words we are very excited.
