So another week has passed and the belly is getting bigger! As I sit here, full from my delicious lunch from Subway (that I ate WAYY to much of) I am really thinking I shouldve stopped at the 6 inches and possibly not have eaten a sub twice the size of the little man inside of me...hmmm. It was just so darn delicious at the time though!
Well as for our lives things are going swimmingly. We are taking our 2nd look at 2 different houses we saw last Sunday and we think the 1st one we EVER looked at may end up being "the one"! My parents are coming along on this trip just to help out and give us the thumbs up or down. These are definately exciting times!
I have already come up with a nursery theme idea and I am thinking along the lines of this....
I fiound some ridiculously cute "crab" fabric on I am going to buy and make our crib sheets and changing pad covers (yes that is plural I am thinking 2 since they tend to get dirty!) The fabric has red crabs on it so we will get our "pop" of a bright color.
The wall graphics I found on Etsy as well and am planning on ordering the exact same ones as above!
I also sent this to my dad and asked him if he could make it. I found the idea (again on Etsy) but with shipping it would cosst over $70 which is OUTRAGEOUS, so we'll see how the old man does :) as he says he can build "anything" lol. Oh btw this will be used as a growth chart in little mans room!
I dont have a 19 week picture yet of the bump but here is mine from Hump Day Bump Day on Wednesday :)
Thats pretty much it for now. I will be sure to update next week when we are HALF BAKED! But for now here's my survey for the week!
Survey Says....
How Far Along : 19 weeks
Produce Size Comparison : We've got a Mango!
Symptoms : Hungry! Slight Heartburn (not as bad as last couple of weeks). Still early bedtimes
Cravings/Aversions : Milkshakes & really all ice cream products
Weight Gain/Loss : +2 lb
Next Appt : March 14th
Sex : BOY!
Stretch Marks : still none (knock on wood)!
Maternity Clothes : still working with the same ones I have had, no new purchases
Baby Related Purchases? : nothing besides the fleece (waiting till we move)....
Movement? : still kicking when I lean forward, kicking more at night! KB felt him move from the outside one night, very cool. More movement during the day (especially after eating)
Whats Baby Doing this Week : This week your baby starts bulking up and packing on the grossly named "brown fat" he'll need to keep warm when he gets evicted from his comfortable uterine home. Other highlights this week:
Vernix, a milky white coating that protects your baby's skin, appears all over your baby's body to keep his skin from getting pickled in the amniotic fluid. Under the vernix, a fuzzy layer of hair called lanugo now covers baby's body. Most of the fuzz will fall off before baby makes his grand entrance. Your baby's kidneys are fully functioning and producing urine this week.
He now weighs about 8½ ounces and measures 6 inches, about as long as half that footlong I had for lunch! :)
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