Friday, July 20, 2012

Due Date = Today

And.....I am still pregnant!! Come on little man its time to come meet everyone!  I am completely over being pregnant, and after all the false labor I have had the past few weeks I never in a million years expected to make it to my due date or at the rate we are going past it! 

Now I know there are "methods" to naturally induce labor, I have tried them....spicy foods : check, lots of walking : check, squats : check...other methods  :check check & uh check!  I appreciate opinions but at this point I am done.  I am hoping I dont make it to my next appt Monday (just went  yesterday and only 2cm...blah) but if I do we are talking induction!

Well now that my frustration is out I will go ahead and do the norm and then head out to do some more walking, because frankly I am NOT a homebody & am going stir crazy sitting at home all the time!

Dear Little Man,

 If you dont have a watch/calendar in there, I will let you know its 7/20 and time for you to make your grand entrance.  We are all very anxious/excited to meet you and I know LOTS of people who are dying to know what your name is, and mommy is extremely excited to tell them!  You keep making me think you are coming pounding down on my lady bits like you do then nothing!  It's quite frustrating to say the least. 
To be honest I have never been so excited for pain in my life!  Its crazy to think that way, but I am just so ready to have you here and in my arms and see you and snuggle that every hour/day/minute that passes I am praying for a contraction, and ones that stick around/intensify, not those crazy last for a couple hours then dissapate ones you've been giving me!
At this point I am hoping this is my last update, as I have no plans to make it to 41 weeks, see mommy has to go back to work in 5 short weeks and every week you dont come is a week less we get to spend together before then!  So please come soon ok?

Love Always,

Survey Says!

How Far Along : 40 weeks!

Produce Size Comparison : Watermelon/Small Pumpkin

Symptoms : still having insane heartburn, even on the Zantac 150 I bought :( *sigh*, pressure/pain in lower abdomen, pain in pelvic bone, pain in upper thighs, waddling (yup got the waddle) - (all the same, nothing has changed) - + add lots of discharge! ick

Cravings/Aversions : no real cravings, really wanted a soda yesterday but mainly b/c I have been drinking water like its going out of style (and I hate water!) / aversion to anything that will cause heartburn!

Weight Gain/Loss : well as of last Friday I was +35lbs, but that was my last week of work & apparently due to swelling b/c as of yesterday I was down 3lbs so +32 seems it will be my final #

Next Appt : Monday 7/23

Sex : Little Man!

Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : below the belly stretch marks & lots of them, some more on top of boobs (sniff sniff) & linea nigra is very prominent the whole way up the belly.

Maternity Clothes : still working with my 3 dresses that fit, even my pants are tight in the stomach area now & my shirts are essentially too short : same

Baby Related Purchases? : none / after doing some "walking" today though that may change!

Movement? : pushing out, kicking his foot out my right side and slamming his head into my lady bits...all so much fun! (not)

Bellybutton? : stretched but still in (and piercing hole is still open! woo)

Whats Baby Doing this Week?: 40 weeks
It's hard to say for sure how big your baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds (a small pumpkin) and is about 20 inches long. His skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor. This so-called "molding" is the reason your baby's noggin may look a little conehead-ish after birth. Rest assured — it's normal and temporary.

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