Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Is this it?...."

I say this to myself on a daily basis now.  Yup we are at that point now where I have pain constantly, daily and sporadicly at different times.  Its crazy how you get to a point where you want to feel the pain get worse and more consistent.  Its also crazy how I went from being a complete nutcase about how I am going to "attempt" this naturally to now wanting to feel pain and thinking heck yes I can do this, just get him out! (we'll see how this goes later)

So this week besides constant pain, still being at work and having to listen to the stupid comments, and doing absolutely nothing when I get home, has been pretty uneventful.  Everything is ready to go and we are pretty much just waiting for that time to head to the hospital and get this show on the road!

So with that, this will be a short post this week.  If anything comes about before next week I will be sure to post and update you guys as best I can.  Luckily they have free wi-fi at the hospital! :)

Dear Little Man,
So essentially we are at 39 weeks...the end, the point of making me wait daily to see if the pain I am having is a real contraction or just false labor (its been the latter so far).  You are really pushing me to the last leg of the race, which is ok in reality because its good for you to cook as long as possible, but mommy is done.  I am in constant pain, tired of having to sit at work and just wanting to see you and hold you instead of feeling your little foot sticking out my side! I want to kiss those little toes and face and hands and show your adorable (yes I am going to be biased) self off to the world.  Its surreal that anyday you could be here but also I am pushing for the day to be soon.  I have 9 days left until your official Dr prescribed "due date" but feel free to come before then.  My last day at work is Friday and we are ready to go anytime after that! 
Also your daddy is quite excited to meet you, as is everyone else.  You have already had him tell you its ok to come out, and on top of that, remember that crazy lady talking to you on Sunday? that was your Aunt Sheila and she is wanting you to come soon as well.   I will say your daddy is anxious to meet you but also nervous, he claims he wont know what to do, but no worries between the hospital staff, me and family + his daddy instincts I think you & him will both be ok.

Well thats it for this week, you are welcome to make an appearance anytime soon (just not tomorrow as that is your Uncles birthday and well I dont want you to have to share!)

Love Always,

Survey Says!

How Far Along : 38 weeks, 5 days

Produce Size Comparison : Watermelon till the end!

Symptoms : still having insane heartburn, even on the Zantac 150 I bought :( *sigh*, pressure/pain in lower abdomen, pain in pelvic bone, pain in upper thighs, waddling (yup got the waddle)

Cravings/Aversions : nothing craving, aversion to everything, it all gives me heartburn (even water!)...still the same, really dont want anything lately

Weight Gain/Loss : as of last week I was the exact same down to the decimal so hopefully it'll read the same tomorrow but as of then +32lbs

Next Appt : tomorrow!! 7/12/12

Sex : Little Man!

Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : below the belly stretch marks, some more on top of boobs (sniff sniff) & linea nigra is very prominent the whole way up the belly1

Maternity Clothes : still working with my 3 dresses that fit, even my pants are tight in the stomach area now & my shirts are essentially too short

Baby Related Purchases? : none

Movement? : still pushing out and around, not as much movement this week as before but it is painful!

Bellybutton? : in, getting flat but no signs of popping

Whats Baby Doing this Week?:  (we'll just do 39 weeks since I am close enough)

Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

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