Thursday, February 9, 2012

17 Weeks and counting...

Well almost 17 weeks so we'll run with it :)

So this week has been okay, yea just ok, pregnancy wise.  Nothing major, have def been feeling the little one moving around a lot more; especially today.  One new realization is I am ALWAYS hungry..ahh I eat then an hour later I want to eat again, I feel like I could eat all day long.  From this new and wonderfully expensive new symptom I have decided that this child is 100% KB's (we all already knew that anyways but..) that boy could eat all day long if he wanted to and now I know how he feels!

First DIY Wedding Project....

As for DIYing I have started getting into a couple of wedding projects. As promised I am posting some pictures of a project I did for my bridal party "asking" them to be in my bridal party.  I initially found the idea on etsy of a little box where you pull out the paper and then at end there is a gift for the recipient.

This is what will be my "finished product"

Step 1 : Items Needed

For this project you will want to get....
1. A Small Box (be creative, I was lucky & found the ones I used in the dollar section @ Michaels
2. Paper (any color you wish to use, I raided the scrapbook section)
3. Scissors
4. Pliers
5. Chain
6. Charms for Jewelry
7. Stamp Pad (in your choice of color(s)
8. Stamps
9. Ribbon (I used a thin yellow for the inside and a thicker one for the outside)
10. Sharpie or Marker

Step 2 :
Next you will want to measure out the inside of your box and cut strips of your paper in an appropriate length to accordian into the box.  It may take a couple trims to get it to fit just right, dont worry if its not perfect you can hide an errors once placed in the box.

Step 3:
Decide what you will want to write on the accordian (I made up poems, 1 for my bridesmades boxes, 1 for my flower girl and then a special one for my maid of honor).  I used a Silver Sharpie marker to give it some extra flair and match the silver bracelets.
All writing I did by hand but you can type it and glue it to the paper or use any other creative technique you can think of to get your wording across

Inside of the box...

Step 4:
Place ribbon around paper and tie in a bow to secure.
Now pick your stamp and grab your pad and decide where you want to place your stamps. This is one of the ones I used...
For the outside of the box I used a simple Sea Horse (keeping with my theme of our nautical/marina style wedding)

Step 5:
Once your ink is dry ahead and place your tied paper accordian into the box. 
Now we can get started on the bracelets.  I am no jewelry maker by any means, so I decided to keep it simple. 
I went to my local craft store and bought charms (1 style for my bridesmads, 1 for my flower girl and 1 for my maid of honor).  I also picked up some chain, metal circles and lobster claw clasps.
Next using my own wrist for measuring purposes I measured out chain and using a pair of needle nosed pliers opened the chain and seperated it at my mark.
Once seperated I added the metal circle to one end and the lobster claw to the other. 
Next find the center of the chain from the clasp and open the chain and place your charm on.  Close up and voila! You have a simple, yet cute Bracelet!


Here is a picture of the fnished bracelet.

Total Cost of this project (for 5 boxes) : Under $20 total!

I am excited to say we will hopefully looking for our 1st place within the next couple of weeks!  I will be having a lot more projects on here once moved in and I can let my creativity really get flowing.

I do already know of a few nursery idea's I am dying to try, one which include getting the sewing machine set up and ready to go!

Preggo Watch 2012

Ok so back to the little booger!  Here is my 16 week picture (I havent done my 17 yet) and survey..hope you all enjoy!

This one as you can see was taken at 16 weeks 3 days, I am starting to really see my belly "round out" now that time is going by!

Survey Says....
How Far Along : 16 weeks 6 days (17 as of midnight)

Produce Size Comparison : It's an Avacado! (an Onion tomorrow!!)

Symptoms : Heartburn has rseared his ugly head, peeing 2-3 times per night

Cravings/Aversions : still craving sweets, nothing die hard though.  No aversions, at least nothing is making me sick ;)

Weight Gain/Loss : finally back up to where I was at my 9 week appt (according to my scale)

Next Appt : Feb 14th @ 3:40 (expect a mass text with the sex of our little booger!)

Sex : will find out soon, countdown 4 days!!

Stretch Marks : thank god NO (hopefully they nevere come!)

Maternity Clothes : went shopping Sunday and bought some work pants with my bestie, also bought some jeans (my 2nd pair from ON) and another shirt!

Baby Related Purchases? : found an adorable fleece zip up for the fall at ON for 1.97...yea I bought it!

Movement? : lots the past few days; especially laying in bed on my back (propped up of course) and this morning at work felt like a little fishy flopping in there

The End...

That is all for tonight, but be sure to be on the lookout for your text Tuesday, if you are on the list, or make sure to visit the blog Tuesday/Wednesday for our "sex reveal" picture!!

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