Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Any Day Now!

Scary to think that any day now our little man could come.  Its actually freaking me out sometimes, I will get a weird sensation "down there" and wonder if its something going on with labor! It doesnt help either that other women on my online groups have had their babies!! So yea from here on out I will be worried about every little twitch and twinge (although most FTM's go late so we'll see!)

So this past week..hmm not much really has gone on but we'll go with the usual list and update from there!


Things are coming along nicely, the nursery is almost done (yes I know I keep saying that but I just FINALLY found a curtain rod and will be putting that up tonight once I get curtain rings to hang the drop cloth curtains with) & pictures will be up soon, since I keep hearing people want to see :) I just need to get the curtains up, find a rug to put in front of the crib & find a small side table to put next to the glider/ottoman & a lamp to put on that, not too bad.

We finally after much stressing from KB got the spare room cleaned up/organized and its ready to be his man cave (complete with "man cave" signs we found at BB&B on clearance!).  Its nice to see it put away but man that room looks empty now and I have no where to put my craft stuff (its stuffed in the closet *sniff*) that he calls junk!

Well with that room ready to go we now need a TV stand in there for the tv.  The original plan was to put the one in the living room in there and buy a nice new one for the living room, as of last night thats still the plan, yay, so hopefully we'll pick that up or at least order one tonight from Walmart!

Oh! I almost forgot, while picking up the curtain rod from Lowes last night I also went ahead and got some blinds for our kitchen window as well, and was quite pleased with the $7 pricetag vs the $40 the other 2 rooms cost us! Not to mention the $60 the living room ones cost us all together + $40 for the curtains + another $10 for the curtain rod (luckily Ikea is cheap! b/c we had to get 4 curtain panels and for $40 you can't beat that price!).  While at Lowes I also scored a good deal on Laundry Detergent to wash all the baby stuff in, yes yes I know I am behind, but they had the small bottles of Method Free and Clear on clearence for $4/pop and each bottle does about 25 loads so I picked up 2 for $8 which will do about 50 loads, give or take, and the big bottle they had below was 50 loads for $14! I think it was a pretty good steal if I do say so myself :)


Ok so nothing new here, we have the venue, we have our date and we have our colors picked + I have my bridal party all picked and all but 1 informed/asked! For now I am set with what we have done.  I plan on getting started with the rest of it probably mid September/October when I start dress shopping, aka when I have my body back to start dress shopping (hopefully!)

For those of you that are interested and dont want to wait until my Save the Dates are out (they will probably be sent this fall after we get Engagement Pics done (finally). Here are some details for now!

Date : June 8th, 2013
Location : Beaufort, NC
Ceremony & Reception Site : The Boathouse @ Front Street Village (ceremony will be held outside & reception inside in their Marlin Club (includes outside patio as well)
Colors : Navy Blue and Yellow

So there is that, I am very excited to get planning and already have a LOT of ideas in my head about how I want to do things.  Next is just putting them in place!

Baby/Little Man:

This week he has been extremely active and I think he dropped!  At my last appt I was told he was head down (finally got a Dr to check!) and since then I have felt a decent amount of movement down low coupled with having to pee a lot more.  Now the problem, I am so shortwaisted that although he "dropped" as I am speculating he is still up in my ribs and I still have horrible heartburn, ugggh! So needless to say at this point I am severly uncomfy and ready to have him out!  I don't sleep well, I cannot get comfy at work, at home, sitting upright, laying down, nothing..I have officially given up on trying.  The only thing that does help..my AMAZING bathtub...ahh its like heaven laying in there!  Lately its been my safehaven of laying in there with a good book (right now its 50 Shades Darker) and relaxing for about an hour.  The water helps to take some pressure off my ever growing bowling ball on my front side and is really the only way I relax (I almost fell asleep in there the other night lol). 

I also want to say Thank You to Michelle for coming over and showing me some yoga positions to help with now and labor and delivery & some yoga breathing that have helped with sleeping a bit and will help with contractions when he decides to make an appearance. 

Dear Little Man,
We have made it to 34 weeks (well technically since I am late this week 34 weeks and 4 days) and you are now big enough to make any movement known.  You are constantly getting hiccups, which is funny for th first 5 min and then is just plain annoying, I am sure you dont care for them either.  You tend to go NUTS when you get them and move all over the place trying to escape.  Speaking of escape, stop trying to plan yours.  No matter what daddy tells you, you are not cooked enough to come out and visit yet!  I would love to have you out and hold you and be able to be comfy again but I would rather you come out healthy, happy and not have to spend any extra time in the hospital, for health and financial aspects! 
I cannot believe we are down to the last 5.5 weeks until your arrival. So many people are excited to meet you, especially your daddy and your grandpa (my daddy).  Grandpa showed me that enthusiasm this past weekend when we went and saw Nathan and Mackenzies recital (which you loved the music btw and apparently didn't mind her sitting on my lap as you didn't kick once while she was there!) and he tried to talk to you to get you to move and accidentally blurted your name out for 3 new people to hear! As frustrated as I was at this, its ok and I know he's just excited! You'll one day learn about this type of love and learn to forgive Daddy and I when we do stupid things too :).

Love always,


Survey Says:

How Far Along : 34 weeks 4 days

Produce Size Comparison : Butternut Squash

Symptoms : Heartburn, peeing a LOT, swelling (feet and hands, only when in the heat or standing/sitting for long periods), cannot get comfy to sleep anymore (same as last week), + peeing a lot and pelvic pressure when I stand up

Cravings/Aversions : Smoothies, Fruit, Milk, Chocolate / No Aversions

Weight Gain/Loss : I havent weighed myself since last week (im scared too lol) so we'll guestimate and say +25lbs for now :)

Next Appt : June 22nd, I start internal exams and weekly appts after that!

Sex : Still a Boy! (hopefully no surprises at birth lol)

Stretch Marks/Linea Nigra : ugggh found my first one *sniff* its low and its light, not nasty purple or anything but its there, Linea Nigra is up past the belly button and darker down below

Maternity Clothes : I caved and bought some post partum items at the Destination Maternity store (cant really call it an outlet as the prices were the same as the reg store) at the Outlet Mall. Got some comfy capri pants, a nursing bra and nursing tank (KB likes the easy access lol, he has been warned its easy access for baby only ;) haha! )

Baby Related Purchases? : nothing, expecting a shower at work this week (so we'll see what comes with that and anything left I am waiting on my completion coupons to get!)

Movement? : god he pushes and sticks his butt out and elbows the crap outta me now

Bellybutton? : about the same still an innie

Whats Baby Doing this Week : Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. His fat layers — which will help regulate his body temperature once he's born — are filling him out, making him rounder. His skin is also smoother than ever. His central nervous system is maturing and his lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

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